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Written by a patient
12th April 2019

I was originally seeing one of Natasha's team under the NHS, but due to length of time for an operations on the NHS, I decided to go private. Natasha saw me very quickly, and after a second consultation, had no hesitation to confirm what had been agreed previously by her NHS team to be correct. Natasha made me feel at ease regarding the operation, and made it very clear it may not clear the original issue of headaches, however would help my breathing and wasn't a waste of time. On the day of the operation, Natasha came and saw me prior to going to theatre, and again put me at ease with the procedure. And whilst in pre-op, she spoke to me about performing a procedure on the left nasal as she was for the right as she felt this would help also, which I was happy to agree to. My only comment is that on leaving the hospital, albeit the care was excellent with the nursing staff, it wasn't made clear to me that I'd be stuffed up and could have very bad headaches, we are all different and could react in different ways, but it wasn't made very clear to me about the after effects. However this may have been explained in the consultations, but at that point you're not really taking in the immediate after affect of the operation, only the final out come, and hopefully the cure. I would not hesitate to recommend Natasha to anybody who suffers with the same issues I did, nor the hospital as they too helped me feel at ease.
