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Written by a patient
21st September 2016

My name is Neil Bradley, , at the time I was a 44 year old man who had suffered from acne since the age of 10. Many trips to the doctors were taken over the years with very little action on their part, they just did not care. I would get very self concious and life therefore did not progress as I would have liked, I would not go for promotions, or even go out with friends. The acne did appear to be getting slightly better, then came rosacea. Again the doctors were hopeless, they would not refer me, even saying that there was nothing a dermatologist could do to help, can you believe that? I got in touch with Tim and saw him privately. My skin was completely clear of acne symptoms within 4 weeks, this was the first time in over 30 years I could look in the mirror and not see acne. The treatment is not a life time cure, however Tim has given me a great deal of confidence. I know that if, or rather when I need him again, he will once more have no problem in prescribing me the right product. Any disease of the skin, especially the face, is for most people, a terrible ordeal, it is a confidence sapper. Don't continue to worry, don't continue down the route of depression, go and see Dr Tim Clayton. I still have days where I have concerns about the condition of my skin, even with those concerns, the past 3 years have been the best years of my life, since I was 10 and the onset of the skin condition anyway.
