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Written by a NHS patient
22nd June 2024

Professor Stephen Sawcer helped save my life in 2022. Through collaborative and incisive intervention using advanced therapy I am certain that his actions have also prevented the paralysis that I presented with being more damaging than it would have been. He kept my doctor wife fully informed during my stay intubated as I was his NHS patient on intensive care and did so by his own personal mobile phone. I returned to work as a surgeon two months later and on the whole have remained very well. As I recovered under his care at Cambridge University Hospital in 2022, I witnessed first hand, as a patient, his outstanding clinical management of my condition. By that I mean I appreciated his clinical examination skills and diagnostic acumen. I would also like to state how impressed I was by how he devoted equal time to all the patients on the ward and did so selflessly. I have been a consultant in Medicine and Surgery for over 22 years. There are few clinicians I have ever known whom I could compare to Prof Sawcer.
