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Written by a member of staff
5th December 2013

This doctor is a very negative person. He does not treat people with respect, & constantly looks for ways to belittle & embarass them. He is very abrasive with his junior staff, & is on the lookout for things to criticise. If there is no obvious problem to see, one will surely be found by him. Clinically, he is not brilliant. He will not listen to or examine patients properly. He encourages an attitude of blame in the team he leads, in the name of improving the situation, when in reality, the situation could only be improved if he is to be removed from it. He could learn something from the other AMU consultants, who encourage, assist & empower the team. Walsall Manor is a great Hospital, with great staff, which is of immense contrast to his negative presence. It is a shame that he is the black spot in an otherwise good AMU team.
