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Written by a patient
16th November 2018

I read as many reviews as possible about Dr Sally Cubbin before deciding finally this was someone I would trust to assess me for adult ADHD. I like many have a history of running the gauntlet between day-to-day life and a number of challenges/symptoms presented by what Dr Cubbin has now diagnosed for me as ADHD. I know what it feels like trying to discern who is the right consultant psychiatrist to approach for adult ADHD assessment. Seeking help from Dr Cubbin was an extraordinarily good decision and I urge you to consider doing so too. I have not long been diagnosed and have not even started any form of treatment but I can tell you I am already feeling so much better. I warmed to Dr Cubbin immediately, her radiant smile and manner put me at my ease. I just knew I could trust her and so I opened up more which gave her additional background material with which to work – I found her non-judgemental, thorough and deeply caring. Dr Cubbin is an expert in the field of adult ADHD, highly knowledgeable, warm, understanding, deeply considerate and she listens with all her heart. It is not an exaggeration to say my life changed for the better even during the assessment. I have never felt so well understood or excited about the prospect of getting back on track with my life and working towards fulfilling my true potential. Even if I don’t go down the medication route, simply understanding that my brain works differently from some and that there are neurobiological reasons for this is very helpful. Ultimately I want to play to my strengths, slow or stop the motor whirring-away in my brain when I need to rest, and catch-up with exploring who I am and how I fit into the world. I always hoped I could achieve more but it seemed however hard I tried I made little headway. Throughout my life I have developed many strategies to cope but none of them stopped me talking too much, over committing myself, becoming completely stressed, overwhelmed and exhausted on a daily basis. The motor always ran-on in my brain even when I knew I needed to get to bed it would always take me ages for one reason or another to settle. Even once in bed my brain would continue working away on fears, problems, work, ideas, inventions - it was so tiring, as a home-based freelance artist I have rarely had to ‘fit in’ to an office environment, I don’t expect I would have lasted very long but perhaps I would have sought help sooner! My behaviour seemed to have become more challenging during the menopause and post-menopause with the attendant hot flushes, mood swings, physical changes etc. I was even less able to cope. Over a year ago I asked my GP to refer me for an ADHD assessment as I sensed I needed help. Unfortunately though I had a bad experience at the local clinic - the general psychiatrist who assessed me seemed to have little experience of adult ADHD let alone any understanding of how it might present in a Woman aged 56. I did not feel he was listening or interested in me, in addition I felt ill at ease, unable to be myself and consequently had no confidence in him. He seemed to do his utmost to prevent me from getting such a diagnosis. Indeed he did not conclude that I had ADHD but instead during the assessment blurted out a more worrying possible diagnosis! A few days after the assessment he copied me in on his assessment letter to my GP – to my horror the letter contained several mistakes, assumptions and a definite lack of salient points possibly which would indicate a diagnosis of ADHD. I was very upset and distressed about this and more so when I was told the letter would remain on my medical records. The whole experience knocked me back rather but after a lot of research, good advice and a few near misses, I came across Dr Sally Cubbin who along with her incredibly pleasant and efficient team, offered help, support and a professional adult ADHD assessment from the outset. The relief was huge and I have not looked back since - trust me, if you are reading these reviews you are very close to the very real possibility of turning your life around. I cannot think of any suggestions to make which would have improved my experience further. I just wish more people were able to experience the care I am receiving.
