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Written by a patient at Glenlyn Medical Centre
9th June 2017

Dr Miller is a great GP: interested, knowledgeable and caring. Sense of humour is a bonus! I'd rather wait to see him (6 weeks usually) than see another GP sooner. Dr Miller's staggering up-to-date knowledge combined with his experience is a winning formula. I always feel he's on my side (even when he is mindful of costs to NHS).

Written by a patient at Glenlyn Medical Centre
9th June 2017

Dr Miller is a great GP. I'd rather wait to see him (6 weeks' wait normally) than see another doctor more quickly. He is genuinely interested, very knowledgeable, and caring. His informal manner puts you at ease.

Written by a patient at Glenlyn Medical Centre
9th June 2017

Dr Miller really listens to what you say, and responds with sensitivity and expertise. He keeps abreast of medical developments, and this combines with years of experience to make him a top-notch GP. The only drawback is that he's so popular that you have to book an appointment with him 6 weeks in advance.

Written by a patient at Glenlyn Medical Centre
13th January 2017

Dr Miller Is amazing he is kind caring patient and very sympathetic he listens to me and helps me his diagnosis was super he helped me get the treatment I need to recover, He has never rushed me and always had plenty of time to listen to me and help with my care after my attack and is still now continue with my care. Dr Miller has not only helped me but also my daughter diagnosising her with a illness that was Missed for 8 years with the other GPs at the practis her correct diagnosis of fibromyalgia has helped her to understand and deal with her issues and get the correct help. so he has helped my whole family I would like to think that he certainly will not be leaving anytime soon we can't thank him enough

Written by a patient at Glenlyn Medical Centre
6th January 2017

Dr Miller has helped me a great deal to address and deal with the several medical ailments that I suffer from. He has identified a particular problem that had been missed by several doctors in other practices that has enabled me to manage my health more effectively and efficiently. Dr Miller knows my case very well and is proactive in dealing with issue, for example referring me to a consultant dealing with one specialisation on the basis of a letter from a consultant dealing with a different specialisation. This enabled me to get necessary treatment very quickly. Dr Miller has a professional and sympathetic manner, listens well and gives sound advice and treatment.


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