Dr Hywel Jones was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at Springfield Hospital
11th October 2019

I cannot praise dr Jones and his team enough, I was totally blown away with the care and compassion I received. I was an NHS patient but was treated exactly the same as if I was private. Every member of staff were absolutely brilliant.

Written by a patient at Springfield Hospital
6th October 2019

I was given time to discuss my procedure with Dr Jones whom I felt listened intently to everything I was asking and who was very thorough and professional when replying, making sure I understood. I was never rushed. I was apprehensive about having an operation but he filled me with great confidence from start to finish. I felt very well looked after and couldn't have wished for better. Dr Jones even made a visit after my procedure to explain what to expect in the future and how to manage certain issues. I can only say he is a first class Doctor and I would never hesitate to highly recommend him.

Written by a patient at Springfield Hospital
27th September 2019

No improvements to suggest. Perfect. Listened to my concerns at consultation during preadmission appt and has taken care of all of them. I felt calmer coming in for my knee replacement. I followed his pre admission instructions to the letter and my experience today was exemplary, having had a different experience a year ago with my other knee replacement. I trust him completely to take care of my post op pain management with his written and verbal explanation ready for my return home. I can honestly say as a retired nhs nurse for many years that my whole experience thus far has been made better with his encouragement, knowledge,information sheets and calm manner at all times.

Written by a patient at Springfield Hospital
4th August 2019

Dr Jones came across in a very warm and welcoming manor. He spent the time informing me of the procedure, pain and so on, as per the sheet provided. Unfortunately for me I reacted to Ora morph on day 3 post-op, ended up calling 999 and was not able to take anything more for pain other than paracetamol. However I might add that this was defiantly not effective with myself and by day 6 I was in such chronic pain as the paracetamol was not controlling it that I had to call my GP and take Co-Codamol; even after being advise by Southend Hospital, Springfield and my ENT Doctor not too as it seems I'm allergic. I was like a zombie and all I could do from day 3 to day 8 was meditate to control the pain. Even though I started taking co-codamol on day 6 it still wasn't controlling it. In the end on day 8-9 I called Springfield, Chelmdford and spoke with a Sister on the ward who spoke to my ENT doctor and he advised I gargle with aspirin. I must say that had this information been provided on the sheet which Dr Jones provided me it would have saved me a huge amount of pain. I can't stress enough that my pain was about a 9 for days and using this method took it down to a 3-4. It was incredible and is hugely underrated as pain relief. My father had this given to him when he had rheumatic fever back in the 1950's in the army and it was amazing then. I don't know if this isn't provided as a pain control, as it thins the blood? but as I stopped taking Ibuprofen in replacement of this then maybe this could work? I feel this needs to be used instructed to use on the sheet as the Sister I spoke said they used to provide this for patients on the wards when they had there tonsils removed as it was great. As for me not being able to use any more than co-codamol as being allergic it gave me my sanity back. There will be people that have experiences like me and others not. However for those that suffer then giving this option could go a long way in easing a lot of pain.... I followed all instructions on the sheet. Eating harder foods was ok but for the amount of pain I was in it was like torture. Unless you have your pain under control I wouldn't recommend it. I would say a word of friendly advice to Dr Jones. Try to be a little more 'mindful' of the patients emotions when they have just come round after being put under. I made a comment when I work up that my tongue was really hurting, me not realising that my tongue was most probably clamped or held to one side. Mr Jones said 'That's nothing to how much pain your going to be feeling soon?' I was taken a back somewhat and really to what purpose would this have made me feel any better? It would have been better to just inform me that my tongue was hurting because of it being held out the way for the surgery or say ' don't worry well get the nurse to check that for you....' which would have put me as ease. Apart from this I felt Mr Jones was a very charming man and is very good at what he does. I felt very at ease in his company and he made me laugh and relax when I was being put under. I have no qualms with his treatment and would highly recommend him to anyone else and would happily have him as a Doctor again. Kind regards, Helen Smith Operated on 2.30pm - 19th July 2019 @ Springfield, Chelmsford, Essex.

20th August 2019
Response from Dr Hywel Jones

Helen, sounds a dreadful experience and Im really grateful for your explicit account. Im sorry it didn't work out for you. I would just like to respond to a couple of points which I wouldn't like to be taken generally. Firstly, Aspirin. Gargling with aspirin is fabulous for sore throats and is an old management for tonsil pain and Im really glad it worked for you. However, as the sheet says it is NOT recommended and is now contraindicated as it greatly increases the post op bleeding risk. I will speak to Springfield and correct this advice. I hope you were sent home with an anti-inflammatory in addition to paracetamol and Oramorph. This is then one drug from each type of medication. Codeine, as you would have found out is weak but Im sorry you reacted to the oramorph- some people don't get on with it and I know tonsillectomy pain is severe. On the tongue front, again Im sorry if I didn't look in the mouth - but Maged uses a special tongue gag rather than a clamp and post tonsillectomy there is very little to see but your expectation is both valid and significant and I take it on board. Thank you. To anyone reading this, please don't use aspirin in the first week after a tonsillectomy!

Written by a patient at Springfield Hospital
8th July 2019

I was very nervous of having a spinal anaesthetic for my knee replacement but this kind and calming doctor made me feel at ease. He explained everything thoroughly before the operation and visited me after to explain pain relief. I am very grateful for his caring attitude and would highly recommend him. I would not be nervous about having a spinal anaesthetic again. A very big thank you. Jackie R.


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Consultant anaesthetist with special interest in Endocrine, ENT, Breast and Orthopaedic surgery.