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Written by a carer at Queen's Hospital
10th May 2018

Dr Deeny has been looking after my father for many years, she is an extremely competent doctor and has provided him with excellent medical care, but not only that she also treated him as a human being, with compassion and respect, listening to his and my concerns and helping us in every way she could even when his symptoms were not related to her speciality. Queens Hospital is lucky to have such an amazing consultant who really cares about her patients.

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
9th March 2018

Wonderful, caring and kind consultant. Supportive and helpful throughout.

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
24th February 2018

Great Doctor Very caring and compassionate. I was so scared to go through colonoscopy due to past painful experience at different Hospital. I explained this to DR H Deeney before going through the procedure and she listened with care. I was sedated and did not feel any pain at all. Best experience and the other staff at the clinical Diagnostic ward at queens Hospital also looked after me very well. Thank you so much

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
14th January 2017

I have a long term condition that had an added complication, I had little procedure no problem but body had other idea's! I go back in hospital and met Dr Deeney properly,it like win lottery! ,She listened to me, she talked to me not carers, for me with a communication problem it's everything, she is patient and really cares. If you have to travel the path of an illness short term, long term or terminally if you have this amazing lady by your side, you'll be ok.

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
30th September 2016

Dr.Helena Deeney is the kindest, gentlest most attentive Doctor I have ever known. She made me feel she was my champion and that she'd leave no stone unturned to try to find out if there was something she could do to help make me better. I had had 20 years of misery after being diagnosed with Irritable bowel syndrome. I was told there was no treatment and the most they could suggest was to keep a food diary. Any time of day, I would get really bad pains in my tummy followed by the need to rush to the toilet immediately. I.B.S. affected every part of my life, I was afraid to leave the house, I was afraid whilst being at work, I was afraid of everything I ate and I was afraid of making any friends for fear of them asking me out and I'd have to explain my reasons for turning them down. My whole life was ruled by this horrible condition and by now i had completely given up on my food diary as It was happening about 20 minutes after almost every meal. I was feeling so miserable. I asked my doctor if I could be referred to the hospital in case a new treatment had been discovered. This was where I met Dr.Deeney and she has changed my life. From the very first moment of meeting her I felt so at ease and reassured that she was going to do everything in her power to help me. Maybe there wouldn't be anything she could do but she assured me she was going to try. I had a colonoscopy which was fine and then a SeCAT test in the Nuclear Medicine Department. The results showed I had 'Bile Acid Malabsorbtion' which meant the acid we produce, that should be reabsorbed and not go into the large bowel was passing through to my large bowel causing lots of pain and a need to rush to the toilet. I can't tell you how happy I was that a reason had been found for how I was. I hoped so much that the medicine (one 4g sachet Questran) (Colestyramine) would work and I'm so so happy to tell you that I have been taking the daily sachets for nearly 4 months and I am absolutely fine. I'd really like to think anyone diagnosed with I.B.S., and are suffering, would be able to be helped like I was and I'd also like to think that everybody could be lucky enough to have such an understanding, gentle, determined and reassuring doctor on their side as Dr.Helena Deeney.


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