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Written by a patient at Gateacre Brow Surgery
20th June 2017

Dr Lightfoot (Helen) in all fairness is probably the best GP I have come across. As a guy I hate going to the doctors at the best of times. But in 2014 - 15 I had little option and made a visit unannounced in a very bad & distressed state. In all she did save my life! Her care & diligence throughout was unparalleled. I never did get the chance to thank her personally as she went to another practice from Gatacere probably to save others also. Care, compassion, understanding, empathy & great knowledge of what was up with me all outstanding. Thanks to Dr Lightfoot I know which way is up once more & although still have the odd lapse now & then she is truly the the best out there.6

Written by a carer at Millcroft Medical Centre
15th April 2017

Great care from Doctor Lightfoot! My partner had been feeling unwell with several different ailments for some time and had been seen on previous occasions by various doctors at the practice but, although treatment was given, it never made a difference. He was feeling unwell again so made an appointment to see a doctor and, because it was urgent, had a consultation with this doctor. I can say from the start that Dr Lightfoot didn't mess around in gaining knowledge to assess his conditions to make a proper diagnosis. She was very upfront in her questioning but at no point was she ever rude or dismissive. You felt that she was genuinely concerned and within a week or so a proper diagnosis was confirmed for two problems- for which my partner is now receiving the correct treatment! Partner now has a new lease of life and regained his confidence now the correct diagnosis of his medium term problems have been diagnosed. We both owe a debt of gratitude for all her care, help and persistence. We wont see any other doctor than her now- she gets things done and for that we are truly grateful to her. Thank you!

Written by a patient at Millcroft Medical Centre
7th November 2016

Bad manners, very judgemental. No empathy whatsoever. A disgrace to the medical profession


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