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Written by a patient at The Practice Heart Of Hounslow
20th December 2017

Great doctor.Help me to improve my skin.

Written by a patient at The Practice Heart Of Hounslow
20th December 2017

I have been seeing Dr Nasir in relation to persistent acne. She was very honest and straight with what to expect in terms of my skin improving and possible side effects of roaccutane. Her honesty was appreciated and I also felt she listened to any concerns I had. After 6 months on roaccutane, acne is now a memory for me and I look forward to my final meeting with Dr. Nasir in 2 months time. She seemed to be just as pleased as I was with the improvement in my skin and this made me feel that she has a genuine investment in each of her patients.

Written by a patient at The Practice Heart Of Hounslow
19th December 2017

Extremely pleased with my appointment today, i was very worried and concerned about a lump in my head and dr nasir put my mind at ease and treated the problem. Very friendly lady. Caraline

Written by a patient at The Practice Heart Of Hounslow
15th December 2017

I am compelled to write this for Dr Nasir. I see Dr Nasir in Dermatology, and I am on a treatment that previously didn't work for me again through another Doctor. However, Dr Nasir's calm, professional and attention to individual needs and reactions to medication made this course of treatment a success. Dr Nasir always offers advice, compassionate treatment and takes everything you say seriously and supports you as a patient. Every follow up, Dr Nasir tweaks the treatment, tailoring it to my needs and doesn't generalise how medication should be administered. I feel my treatment success is specifically down to how Dr Nasir delivers and supports it. Thank you!!

Written by a patient at The Practice Heart Of Hounslow
15th December 2017

Dr. Nasir, was calm, professional and efficient. Importantly for me she lowered my anxiety regarding my condition by her honesty and expectations of my prognosis, I did not want platitudes, but a clear explanation of her plan of action which she gave me. I appreciate the treatment she gave me and also her recognition that I may now need further care from a colleague at another hospital. I rate her highly. Jane Nemazee


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