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Written by a patient at Chelsea Outpatient Centre
12th March 2019

I had an operation at the end of November on my hand. This was quite a procedure - more than I had anticipated - but it seemed to be healing well. However, after a few days it started hurting really badly - so much so that co-codamol was not touching it and I could not sleep. My hand consultant advised that it was nerve pain which is difficult to predict and is difficult to treat. The pain was so bad that I felt I wanted to cut my hand off! My consultant introduced me to Ben to assist. Unfortunately, I had had the operation in November in order to have this out of the way in readiness for my marriage the following February. I knew that I could not manage to deal with this level of pain whilst organising and going through with a wedding. Ben seemed to perfectly understand what I was going through and knew what to prescribe in the way of medication and explained the position to me very well. He made himself accessible to report back on dosage etc. He knew that we were on a tight deadline if the wedding was to go ahead and he adjusted the dosage accordingly. By the time of the wedding, the dosage was just fine - to allow the pain to be covered without any side effects becoming another problem. Accordingly, the wedding went ahead and all was well. I must thank Ben as without him there would have been a huge upset!

Written by a patient at The Lister Hospital
24th October 2018

Following a significant back injury I was in a lot of pain, struggling with even basic daily tasks. It had gone on so long that I was feeling pretty hopeless about it. Then I came across Dr Benjamin Thomas at the Fortius Clinic where I've received an outstanding level of care, far exceeding my expectations. He is the first doctor who has been able to tell me what the problem actually was. He even spotted something in the MRI images which the radiologist hadn't noticed, then took swift action to investigate further. From the outset I've had total confidence in his judgement and advice. Plus I've really appreciated his reassuring manner as he addressed all my concerns, along with his exceptional ability to explain the medical details so clearly to me. As a result, Dr Thomas came up with a plan which enabled me to move forward. It has been a major turning point in my recovery and I'm so thankful to be getting my life back. I cannot recommend Dr Thomas highly enough.

Written by a member of staff at Chelsea Outpatient Centre
9th October 2018

I am a physio and have just spent the morning seeing patients with Dr Thomas, he was recommended to me by another colleague and I can see why. Although he had a busy clinic, he gave each patient plenty of time to talk and then explained in detail what the options were for their treatment. Dr Thomas has a wonderful way of making complex issues more understandable and gives each patient choices about how they can move forwards to get the best outcome. His knowledge of pain medicine and the latest treatments is impressive. All his patients leave with a bigger smile on their face, as he has offered a treatment plan that will allow their quality of life to improve. He doesn't push for injections or surgery unless necessary, and encourages physical therapy and exercise, which I obviously approve of! I couldn't recommend him more highly.

Written by a patient at Fortius Clinic
21st September 2018

After over a year of going to consultant to consultant I was finally referred to Dr Thomas. My case was difficult, as it seemed long bouts of chronic pains were connected to nerve issues from a recent operation. He listened to the fact that I did not wish to take certain routes, or that some had failed. He devised a strategy to interrupt the nerve signals, and have them reroute themselves. I absolutely respected the fact that he also used ultrasound with injections to make sure he hot the right spots, and didn't do anything unwanted. HE also took on board my tries with alternative therapies, and possible new things I'd read about - and did not in any way make me feel silly for doing so. He used his networks of colleagues to research my problem as well. He is an organised, highly skilled, and knowledgeable practitioner who cut through any 'hype' and got right to viable solutions. He dictates your letters in front of you, so there's no long waits and questions about the status of the case. The face of medical treatments are changing and Dr Thomas is at the front of this trend.

Written by a patient at Fortius Clinic
10th August 2018

A couple of years ago I had significant back pain that was eventually resolved with a steroid injection. Everything was fine until about six weeks ago when I again had a back pain but very different from the previous pain. I arranged an appointment with Dr Ben Thomas who explained that this new pain in his opinion was unrelated to my previous back pain. He arranged an MRI scan and his initial thoughts were confirmed when the scan showed tenderness in the gluteal regions suggesting potential bursitis or paratendinitis. Dr Ben Thomas then recommended a Neuroradiologist to undertake an ultrasound of the gluteal regions who explained what he was doing and why he was going to administer steroid injections. Thanks to Ben's diagnosis and prompt action my back pain has gone.


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Dr Ben Thomas is a Consultant in Pain Medicine who works at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital, in central London. Ben offers help for a range of conditions from those with acute and chronic spinal conditions, back pain, slipped disc, sciatica and facet joint pain, degenerative joint pain, and muscular injuries through to more complex neuropathic pain conditions, including post surgical pain and scar pain issues, post shingles pain and CRPS cases.

Ben qualified from St Bartholomew's and the Royal London hospital in 2000, and completed training in Anaesthesia before undertaking the Advanced Pain Fellowship at Imperial School, and subsequently a paediatric pain fellowship at Great Ormond Street Hospital.