Dr Andrew Eichholz was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at The Churchill
6th March 2020

My first contact with Dr Eichholz was after I raised concerns over the radiography treatment touching my heart ( I have a family history of heart problems) I requested a chat to discuss my worries before the treatment started. Dr Eichholz tele me at home on the following Sunday afternoon calling me back as the line was unclear, he went to great lengths to explain what would happen and outlining all the risks of. having or not having the treatment, finally although I understood what he was saying he suggested that I might like to come in and see him so he could actually show me in detail exactly where the treatment would hit the heart. He made an appointment on the tele for the following week. Nothing was too much trouble for him his only interest was that I was happy with the explanations and the treatment being offered. He let me make my own decision after a lengthy consultation with no view of his own as a what I should do Only after I decided that my age and history made the radiography not an option I thought was right for me he thought I was making the right choice ( I now have Angina so definitely right) He may run a little late on his appointments but that is because he offers every patient the time they need with him, so if you are getting a bit feed up with the wait bear in mind he is worth it, who else would even tele you on a Sunday. I don't think I could have had better care, not only from him but all the staff that have helped me thru this cancer scare. My sincere thanks to you all

Written by a patient at Stoke Mandeville Hospital
4th March 2020

After diagnosis with Triple Negative breast cancer in March 2019, Dr Andrew Eichholz was appointed as my Oncologist for both chemo/radiotherapy. Andrew always made myself and my husband feel at ease with every appt from our first in June until my discharge from his care yesterday. Although he had his opinions/views he was always willing to listen to our opinions and would adapt where necessary. He is efficient with typing/recording notes whilst chatting to ensure he manages to get everything relevant recorded - we thought this was great. I always got forwarded letters/reports that he typed. I should have been discharged at my last appt, but, as I had some issues with side effects he made referrals with relevant consultants on my behalf and arranged a final follow up appt with himself before discharging me yesterday. At my appt yesterday Andrew explained that although I was discharged from his care, if at anytime I had any questions I could still contact him through CCHU or GP. Myself and my family would like to say a great big THANK YOU to Dr Andrew Eiccholz for his care

Written by a patient at Stoke Mandeville Hospital
3rd March 2020

Dr Eichholz spent time discussing all aspects of my treatment. He was clear and kind. Unhurried. Wrote excellent summary letter to my GP, copying me in.

Written by a patient at Stoke Mandeville Hospital
3rd March 2020

I was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer in July 2019 and was allocated Dr Andrew Eichholz as my Oncologist going forward. Andrew made me feel at ease with every appointment from July until my discharge from his care today. He has always listened to what I have to say and my opinion on various breast cancer questions. He types away whilst chatting and manages to get everything relevant down which is great and always forwards any letters/reports that he has typed. I saw Andrew today to discuss changing my medication, we talked about side effects etc and opted for the option that was kinder to my body which we both agreed on. I was discharged from his care today and just wanted to say 'thank you' for your patience and understanding throughout my care.

Written by a patient at Stoke Mandeville Hospital
28th February 2020

I had disgraceful care from this oncologist he was very process and statistics driven didn't treat me as a human I was just a number. Originally when I went to my first appointment I was asked lots of questions some totally inappropriate for what I was going through and he seemed more interested in tick boxes and typing his letter up than my feelings. So my first impression wasn't great after my first chemo I decided that I didn't want any further NHS treatment of which I expressed and the response I received was appalling because I was choosing to go an alternative route that he didn't agree with which is fine I didn't expect him too however his manor and attitude towards me should have been much more respectful and at no point did he say that it was my body my choice and that he would respect my decision. Instead he told me I would be dead in two years if I didn't follow his protocols and then couldn't get rid of me and my mum quick enough. In my view this is not appropriate behaviour so I certainly wouldn't recommend him.

20th March 2020
Response from Dr Andrew Eichholz

Many thanks for your feedback, which I have been reflecting on. I have a different recollection about both of our consultations but I cannot respond publicly in any more detail as I do not wish to reveal confidential information about you. What I can say is that it is common practice for oncologists to record a patient's full medical history at the first consultation (in order to tailor the care plan for the individual patient's circumstances), explain the details of the treatment protocol and provide details of the figures regarding the likely benefits and risks of the proposed treatment. This then allows each individual to decide whether to accept or decline the treatment they are offered. I feel sorry that you are so upset and I would be happy to meet with you again or talk to you on the telephone. If you think that would be helpful please get in touch with me via my secretaries or the breast care nurses and we can arrange this.


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Specialises in

  • Oncology


I am a Consultant Clinical Oncologist. I specialise in looking after patients with breast cancer.

I use chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, immunotherapy and the newer biological (also known as targeted) therapies. I also offer entry into any suitable clinical trials of new treatments.