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Written by a patient
28th March 2019

I have had a lot of surgery in my time, that's what happens when you get wounded three times. So I'm quite familiar with the procedures and the whole experience of being anesthetised, it's never been a problem for me so when I say that being anesthetised and generally being "dealt with" by Sandy Kidd was as close to being a pleasurable experience that being "under the knife" could possibly be. I hope that anyone reading this understands that this is quite a compliment. He was affable and humorous in a relaxed way whilst at the same time being absolutely professional. He doesn't miss a single point. You know you're in very confident hands here and after the op' when I came round, i was clear headed (no grogginess). If you've got to be put to sleep, this is the man to do it. With regard to the rest of my treatment at st. Anthony's hospital one other point stands out and that is the seemingly unending stream of questions which I presume are meant to be "helpful!" They are not helpful. they are patronising, intrusive, demeaning and in many cases, just plain stupid, badly written and occasionally grammatically incorrect. These long winded questionnaires do not inspire confidence instead they give the impression that they have been put together by a team of do-gooding, politically correct amateurs whose attempt to show how much they "really really care" only has the opposite affect, demonstrating that they can't make a simple judgement about whether their questions might be intrusive or patronising. They end up being irritating and coming across as being disingenuous and insincere, indeed just take a look at some of the questions that follow on this website. Whoever was responsible for putting these questionnaires together should be fired. You will notice i have not answered most of the questions on this proforma even though, yes, I am blind, my hearing is not great and my right leg is missing above the knee, these questions are pointless and intrusive (please don't tell me that they are there to "help you, help me" or any trite rubbish like that). By the way " white" is not an ethnic group. Indeed, I would like to hear your justification for these questions. Why don't you contact me. I bet you won't. Because you care so much i suspect you don't read the answers.
