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Written by a patient
18th June 2019

I was referred to Cameron Hatrick for treatment under the NHS. I had developed pain and weakness in both shoulders. From being fit and strong in my mid 60s, even to the extent of being a veteran pole vaulter, I suffered pain and restricted movement of the shoulders. Reaching up or to one side was difficult. I needed two hands to be able to lift a kettle. I also suffered from severe carpal tunnel syndrome in my left wrist. X-rays indicated that the joints had arthritis and the shoulder tendons were impinged. Mr Hatrick referred me to a specialist surgeon for my wrist but decided to treat the shoulders with ultrasound guided injections of cortisone. There was immediate pain relief although the shoulders remained weak. A course of physiotherapy had been partially completed when I returned for an assessment of my current state, eleven weeks after the second injection, my shoulders were no longer painful. The strength in my arms was greatly improved. I felt confident that the exercises I had been given would continue to improve my strength. I was no longer waking with pain several times a night. The accurate assessment and treatment has avoided unnecessary surgery. Quite separately, the surgeon Mr Hatrick recommended for my wrist, Christopher Williams, resolved the carpal tunnel problem that had also prevented me sleeping normally.
