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Written by a NHS patient
24th March 2023

I have had 5 years of shoulder misery, including many different diagnoses, steroid shots, physio, painkillers and even a year on Methotrexate! So you can imagine my relief when, within a few minutes of meeting Dr Hatrick and him looking at my MRI, he told me I needed a relatively simple operation to restore function and movement. (ACJ resection/ASD) Six months later I had the op as a day case at Haywards Heath SOTC. I am a month on from the op now and have been really pleased with my recovery so far. The scars are practically invisible and at no point has the pain been unbearable, despite having a fair bit of arthritis removed. From meeting Mr Hatrick, I had full confidence in him and post surgery I am even more sure that this is a doctor who really knows his stuff. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him!
