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Written by a carer
13th March 2018

My 11 year old son was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in July 2017. Having seen Dr Hyer at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, his care has been taken over by Mrs Kay Crook (Specialist IBD nurse) who my son sees at Northwick Park Hospital. At my son's last routine visit, I told Kay how very impressed I was with the service we received from her. My son feels totally comfortable in her presence and everything is explained to him so he has no fears or worries. On several occasions where I have been anxious, I have e-mailed Kay and have always had a very rapid response from her or one of her team which puts my mind at rest. eg. I was worried that one of my sons recent blood tests showed that his potassium level was extremely high which is extremely dangerous. Kay explained that in many cases, the way the blood is taken (if it comes out too fast etc) and the way it is handled can give a false reading, so not to be too alarmed as his general health is good and repeat test would more than likely show a lower level. On another occasion, one of my son's tablets came out whole when he went to the loo. I was worried, but as he had a bug/virus at the time. Kay explained that it was perfectly normal that the tablet fast tracks through the body when you have a bug/virus. My son certainly does have the best care!
