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Written by a private patient
16th September 2023

My first contact with Michael was in April 2023, just as Divergence was opening for business, and I much appreciated the unhurried and very helpful telephone conversation we had, following my initial enquiry. As a septuagenarian in search of an ADHD assessment it was a relief to talk to a mental health professional who had expertise not just in this particular form of neurodiversity but was also experienced and especially interested in the care of older people's mental health. Michael very quickly put my mind at rest where I had concerns and spelled out clearly how the whole assessment process would work. He advised me to take my time when deciding whether to go ahead. However, because it had been a pleasure to talk to Michael on the phone thanks to his very easy and friendly manner, I soon booked a pre-assessment appointment with him. He had made it clear to me that this would not be a diagnostic assessment but would serve to help him to recommend how I should proceed. That appointment, like the phone call, was also unhurried, and I really appreciate how much time Michael must have spent in total to make sure that he had as much "evidence" from me as possible to inform his recommendation. Prior to my pre-assessment he had gone through my longwinded responses in the questionnaire plus a large file of written material I had provided to the extent that I felt he understood me and my struggles better than I did myself. By the end of my pre-assessment, it was heartening to hear from Michael that, like me, he also suspected that my struggles were ADHD related and not "just" down to clinical depression and anxiety. I felt blessed to have finally been listened to by someone who understood the difference, and though Andrew Jay took the lead in my diagnosis and titration, I wouldn't hesitate to be in touch with Michael again later on. All being well, I will continue to get older, and I know that the ADHD will always be with me!
