St Mary's Hospital

Parkhurst Road, Newport, Isle of Wight, England, PO30 5TG
27,114 reviews




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Review of Asthma and Allergy - Children's
30th January 2019

We have visited The Ashtma and Allergy Clinic now quite a few times and the care our 2 year old son receives is always exceptional. After attending his yearly breathing and allergy check up and test we left feeling so grateful for the wonderful time and care given to us by specialist nurses Charlene and Nicky, Dr.Butterworth and dietician Sarah Todd. We leave that clinic feeling equipped to give our son the best life and care despite his allergies/breathing and skin issues. They’re always there if you need them and are always willing to answer our endless questions. The clinic is always extremely busy and full to the brim but the team always smile their way through the heavy work load and are so tolerant and good with the children from babies to teens. Thank you! You’re a real credit to St.Marys Hospital!

Parent Dignity
Suitable Location
Review of Antenatal Services written by a patient
11th October 2018

I had an awful experience with a consultant on 3rd October 2018. The consultant was Dr Kanu and was a stand in for Dr Kenney. At the appointment I was 35 weeks pregnant and hoping to book my Caesarian in (I had a Caesarian less than two years ago and it is within my right to request another one) when I said to the consultant I want a Caesarian he threw his pen down and said it was within his right to medically refuse if he thinks it is not necessary. He then turned around and said I need to book in for another consultant meeting to get a second opinion?? At this point I had already waited an hour and 45 minutes to see him with NO apology from him and just rudeness. He did not go through anything with me apart from quizzing me what the dangers of a Caesarian is. He wasn't professional and clearly let his own opinion Of a natural birth take over the actual reason as to why i was there. When I said I have already waited an hour and 45 minutes he laughed and said what exactly do I want him to do, I said arrange a date and I also need to see an anaesthetist to discuss being asleep for my Caesarian, he then got even ruder saying he would only ever give consent for a Caesarian on 'the condition of being awake' and never attempted once to discuss why I felt I didn't want to be awake. Two weeks later I still do not have a Caesarian booked in and it seems everyone is constantly trying to delay appointments in the hope I will go into labour with a natural birth to most likely save money and less amount of care given. I have been reminded continuously thought the pregnancy about funding.. How about giving the option for patient a to pay? I'm sure there is many that would prefer to pay to get decent care than to feel like a constant inconvenience, i would. I know someone that is already booked in for their Caesarian in December? I'm due in the next few weeks and am battling for it. Disgraceful.

Review of Ophthalmology written by a family member
11th September 2018

My partner attended the eye dept on Friday 7th September, it was complete chaos, too many clinics and not enough staff. I watched one nurse have some sort of panic/anxiety breakdown, I watched another nurse in blue breakdown in tears. We had to wait 30mins for a scan on my partners eyes because the lady doing the scans was on her own with no help, we was stood up against a wall with no seating. My partner had a field test I believe they called it and the Male nurse who did it (he was very tall and young) he was walking about on his mobile phone with not a care in the world, completely unprofessional in my opinion. I had emailed a letter of complain in but have not received a reply. Who is in charge of this dept and where were they, we was not told of any clinics running late nor were any of us offered refreshments, 3 and a half hours we were sat waiting for an appointment with the dr that took 8mins!!! We are absolutely disgusted with the way it was run, you have staff running around trying to do 10 things at once and certain staff lounging around on their mobile phones!

Review of Labour Ward written by a patient
29th August 2018

I received wonderful care from the midwives during my pregnancy and labour. I cannot praise them enough.

Review of Labour Ward written by a patient
18th August 2018

The care I received in the labour ward was fantastic from start to finish. All procedures were explained clearly to my husband and I, I had frequent check ups throughout my labour and pain relief was explained and given as soon as I requested it. My daughter arrived with the aid of an episiotomy and ventouse and the need and implementation of both procedures was clearly explained at the time.

Review of Antenatal Services written by a patient
13th August 2018

I came into St Mary's almost a week ago as my waters broke early with my little girl who ended up being an emergency c section. The care I received was truly amazing and I couldn't of asked for staff better than the ones who looked after me and my little girl Poppy. Each member of staff treated me with such respect and was so thoughtful and understanding. When it was time for me to go home, although I was excited about going home I was also a little sad. I wouldn't change the maternity ward and it's staff one bit. Apart from having air conditioning as it was super hot when I was it thwre and everyone was working so hard. I'll definitely come back one day.

Review of Antenatal Services written by a patient
4th August 2018

Excellent care in all areas, very efficient and quick to act when plans change. Thank you so much to all of the caring staff for their help :)

Review of Labour Ward written by a patient
19th July 2018

I cannot fault the care whilst i was in labour & after that I received particularly by my midwife Rosie Parkes. Whenever I was back in the maternity unit following my discharge Rosie keep checking on me to ensure all was well. Big thank you.

Review of Intensive Care Unit written by a family member
11th June 2018

My Mother was admitted to hospital by ambulance, the paramedics and staff in A&E were absolutely fantastic! She was then transferred onto Appley ward, where to be fair the care did go down hill and was disappointing at times my mother would have to make it to the commode on her own after buzzing for help then her commode would be left in her room with excrement in it for a few hours. Bearing in mind my Mum had been diagnosed with Flu Virus, Pneumonia and Sepsis so it did not seem quite right having this left near by whilst fighting infection! However after 2 days of this care things took a turn for the worse and she was transferred into ICU, where I cannot commend the staff high enough for the dignity, respect and the care that she was shown at all times throughout her stay with them, which turned out to be 2 weeks, she was in an induced coma and ventilated but the care was second to none and cannot praise the team enough in the ICU. Whilst in the care of ICU being transferred she also suffered a heart attack, so she was incredibly poorly and had the odds stacked against her. She was moved from the ICU on 3/6/2018 to CCU where he care went considerably down hill again, her room was not cleaned for 2 days at one point and she went from having a nurse constantly with her in ICU to maybe seeing a nurse once a day if she was lucky!!! The care on both of the wards was very, very poor, I understand that the staff are all very stretched and that this sometimes cannot be helped. However I helped my mum most evenings if not me then my father would to get to the toilet, washed and in to bed tucked in lights off only to be greeted by all the nurses talking around the work station when we left. This was not a problem helping her at all, but made me think of the other poor patients who may need help. Overall, our experiences with ICU were absolutely fantastic and all these staff deserve recognition and medals for their work. Appley Ward and CCU these staff not quite so great and need their socks pulling up even the nurses were not so attentive . My star ratings above reflect my mothers stay in ICU not the other wards.

Review of Alverstone Ward written by a patient
26th May 2018

What an amazing staff group. Extremely professional but they all have a great sense of humour and will spare the precious few minutes they have to get to know you. Management need to be aware of just how much the staff go that extra mile !!

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