
St Bartholomew's Hospital

West Smithfield, London, EC1A 7BE
43,568 reviews




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Written by a NHS patient
15th July 2021

Everyone from top to bottom knows their job and seeks the best for the patient. I cannot suggest improvement because I found nothing wrong at all! Mention bien, Richard D Wood-Kneller FCA

Review of Minor Injuries Department - SBH
2nd July 2021

Although when we saw staff they were polite and professional, the time waiting without any indication of where we were in the scheme of things was unbearable. It was not clear who we should ask. The actual time spent with staff during a 5 1/2 hour visit was about an hour which included 3 lots of personal care and distribution of refreshments. Whilst we appreciate it was an A&E dept and there may have been more urgent cases, my mother-in-law is 98 ad was attending under extreme protest because an X-ray was deemed necessary. As she has been bed-bound since her last visit to Whipps (a 12-hour travesty of ‘care’), we were obliged to wait for hospital transport (2 hours) and she was returned to her care home at 13.30pm. As far as I am aware there is no other way to access treatments so elderly patients are continually subjected to this scenario. Surely we can do better for our elderly? Otherwise we might as well bump them off.

Suggested improvements
Information - who to speak to, an idea of a patient’s position in the queue, a better-organised transport system, a better understanding of how elderly and sick people feel being pushed around in chairs or uncomfortable stretchers when every bump and knock is painful. The construction of the hospital is not conducive to comfort either - numerous bumps on the way in and out for ambulances to negotiate, bumps on the pedestrian route to a cubicle, lack of automatic doors (which are only just wide enough), cubicles not large enough for easy transfer of stretcher cases from ambulance stretcher to hospital bed, or for 2 staff to carry out personal care

Review of MRI Imaging - SBH
1st June 2021

Kind staff, efficient service

Written by a NHS patient
15th April 2021

A world class hospital... private of NHS.

Written by a NHS patient
10th March 2021

The only person nice to me were the two ladies who welcomed me and the nurse who waited with me before the "doctor" called me in. The while experience was traumatic. Describing my todays hospital visit (St. Bartholomew's, West Wing) was (as a matter of fact) a total misunderstanding full of unexpected patronising and accusations. Lets start with the most important part, for the last 9 moths now I have a horrible breast pain (the left one to be exact), followed by a lump which appeared 6-7 months ago in the centre of the left breast. At the beginning I didnt look at it as anything serious, probably because I have lived in denial, it was easier this way, it always is, at least thats how i live my life but doesnt want to live it this way? I decided to ignore everything and live my life like nothing bad could have happened to me. When i reached the stage when i couldnt sleep on my left side anymore, wear padded bras, felt burning and a feeling the lump getting bigger i decided to wake up and pretend to care, a bit. After my Gp's super bombastic examination, she said it could be cancer and off i went to the breast cancer clinic.The time came, 25th of Feb! Here I go, scared and not sure about anything, terrified but somehow relived, knowing i will finally know, the answer to my misery is coming. I was happy knowing a “doctor” will see me, reinsure me and help in every way she/he can cause it is at the end of the day cancer. Little did I know that my doctor had other plans. Instead of calming voice, she was literally raising her voice. Instead of reinsuring me, she patronised me. Instead of proper body examination she decided to touch me as if i was made of glass and she was afraid i would fall down and break Instead of her listening to my worries and decided to talk over me. Instead of her literally listening to me she decided to only listen to what she wanted to. Let me give you some examples of our conversation (before the examination) D: “ your breast hurt because you eat dairy” Me: “Oh i am allergic, i dont eat dairy” D: ”you do and thats the reason” - while rolling her eyes D “your breast might hurt because you drink alcohol and caffeine” Me” My dad drinks a lot, hens why i dont drink alcohol” D: “ Its the caffeine” which i dont drink Me “ My breast hurts for 9 months hens why i went to my GP 2 weeks ago” D : “Your GP scared you, this is why your breast hurts” Me “ NO i said 9 months like 5 times now” D : “Anyway, young women dont have cancer, its rare” Me: “But it happens, I can be the rare one” D: “yeah but no” The woman was literally a disaster, nothing was done for me. She spoke to me as if I was 15 and she had to babysit me and feed me with nonsense to kill time. While patronising and refusing to let me talk I could see this patronising smile on her face, despite her wearing a face mask (way too small for her face) it wasnt hard to see what was underneath. I was in there for like 4-5 minutes, she was rushing me and i literally couldnt say a full sentence, she rolled her eyes once when i spoke about my dairy allergy and criticised the fact my mother doesnt talk to me about her health issues - as if this was any of her business! A lot happened in those 4 minutes, I left crying and confused. I had no answers, She said she can do an Ultrasound but only for my peace of mind if i am “Like that” - what ever that means but reinsured me she wont be looking at the results. What's the damn point then? Plus I was advised by my friend who is a womens health Doctor and a surgeon who treats cancers for women etc that ultrasound wont detect cancer based on pain etc. Only biopsy, MRI and momogram but MRI is the best way to see cancer at either early or late stage. Well, she declined all and reinsured me (the best part) that despite my grandmother and my mother having breast cancer that its NOT relevant and its simply nothing to worry about - wow, so smart isnt she? Like, I almost believed that i am a drunk addict who loves eating cheese, she is that good. NOT The whole experience was traumatising and i now understand why so many women die of cancer in the UK. The health system is a joke, really sad true, no jokes about that. I still have no answers which is why i will be bombarding my GP with calls tomorrow and demand biopsy or MRI based on her referral. Doctor wannabe used the fact i was vulnerable and saw an opening and decided to treat me like trash.

Written by a NHS patient
6th February 2021

I under went pacemakers surgery at St Barts. I can only think surgeon and his team, sister and all ward staff. Personal thanks to Mr Rowlands,Eternally grateful. And a heartfelt thanks to the NHS news most difficult times

Written by a patient
19th January 2021

Outstanding care by all the staff at Barts. Surgery for a blocked heart artery was undertaken, and filmed, by Dr. Elliott Smith who was so caring and professional. I had multiple other issues that were treated by the wonderful nurses who were so friendly and couldn’t do enough for me. Wonderful hospital and staff.

Written by a carer
3rd January 2021

I have a family member on an intensive care ward in Barts hospital on the Smithfield site. For 5 days I have been asking if members of staff can please charge his phone. I have asked 12 times to different members of staff. He is critical so is unable to do this on his own. I have not been able to speak to him for 5 days which has been detrimental to his well being and recovery. The Barts Hospital website says that if you are not allowed to visit loved ones then you can speak to them virtually. This is not true!! I am trying every day. From an incredibly frustrated and very worried family member of a patient.

Written by a patient
30th December 2020

It’s been 3 weeks after my surgery now and I still cannot get over how each and every single individual person that works at st barts hospital treated me with upmost respect, dignity and on the whole were some of the best human beings I’ve ever met. Every single nurse was professional and compassionate with regards to the covid regs and would do everything they could to assist me getting in touch with my family be it over the phone or video call. The doctors were understanding of my needs and respectful towards my needlephobia issues.

Written by a patient
9th November 2020

Had a heart procedure done 07/11/20 in Bart’s Hospital. Can honestly say that the care I got on the day was outstanding. From the Ward C3 staff to Theatre staff and Dr Mullen you were all amazing for the care and support I received on the day. Hospital is very clean, everyone was friendly nothing was too much trouble for the ward staff. I can’t find fault I only have praise for the outstanding work you do. Stay safe and well.

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