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10th August 2018

Upon arriving on the ward the receptionist who took my daughter's blood forms simply said. "We can't do it"! I asked why not and she told me in a very rude manner that they have told all GPS to inform patients the bloods have to be done within 2 weeks of the form date. Not only did my gp not inform me. There were no signs or notices up to inform anyone of this. As I explained to the rude receptionist. I'm only doing what I've been told, I've been asked to bring my daughter for a blood test, I wasn't told of any timescale. The lady then went on to say well the gps kind of assume as a parent it would be done quickly. Not only fish I feel humiliated in the waiting room with people sat around. I then had to explain that I don't drive and wasn't able to afford to get their sooner. The gp was aware and when I was given the form she said it wasn't very urgent, but she did want them done. The letter was apparently 7 days over the deadline. I asked to speak to someone in authority. She wasn't much more pleasant, although she did take me to a secluded room, In which to talk. I explained how far away I lived and that is wasn't easy for me to get to the hospital and that I also do not drive. She insisted she wasn't able to do it. So I left the ward and rang my gp. They advised me they thought it was 3 months. They said theybeoukd be happy to tax a copy of the letter. So I walked around the hospital found a fax machine and had the form sent across the the date, dated the same say as presant. Went back to the ward, who then rudely said we can't take that it's a fax. Now I didn't k ow if they were just having a bad day so suggested the form looked exactly the same as the printed form I already had, just the date was different. The only way you knew it was a fax was because I told you and obviously I wouldn't have got all the way back to my gp and back that quick. She then said I have refused many parents who have come and have had the same issue. I'm sick of parents getting angry at us. I said can I interrupt you for a second, how is this our fault if my gp seems to think its 3 months. It's clearly lack of communication between the NHS. she said well I'll do it but there is no guarantee it will be accepted by the lab because it's them that have the last say. I agreed and said it was ok to do it, as financially I didn't know the next time I would be able to get me and the 3 children up on the bus again. Once it was done I said to the nurse who was lovely. To clip the original form with the fax and a note explaining the situation. If nessecery get them to call the gp. It would be a waste of equipment and time that has already been used to do the same thing all over again because of a form. I'm really annoyed with the situation. Not everybody has a way of getting to the hospital in an instance. My gp said it wasn't a matter of urgency but I needed to get them done, if it was an emergency we would of walked, obviously. I can't believe I was almost refused over a form. A blood request form because of a date. I could understand if it was a year past or something but 3 weeks from the appointment date. 7 days over their 2 week deadline apparently. Then to get a copy of the form faxed over with the same day, that looked exactly like my copy only darker ink, to bebtold the lab might reject it. It's madness, utter madness. The receptionist for the blood tests as the head nurse who I spoke with were completely rude and assuming. They do not have the right attitude towards working with people. We as patients will only do as the gp says. My gp thinks 6 months. The communication is the problem between gps and the hospital, the hospital departments. I think 2 weeks is a very small timescale, if there is a timescale in place in which the tests have to be done.

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