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19th June 2023

Arrived around 9pm, sat waiting until I had my first interaction at just after 11pm, this was for obs, had blood tests and was asked what had brought me to A&E. The lady who was typing was not overly friendly nor did she make me feel welcome. She asked the other lady in the room to do bloods which she did, the lady doing bloods went to suggest offering me a urine test in which I would have thought would be standard due to the nature of my complaint, anyway, the lady who was typing said that is not neccessary. Between 12 (midnight) and 12:30am I was called through to discuss results. The lady DR I saw asked me what brought me to A&E, I explained the nature of the concern and the reasons why, what the issue was and I advised 111 told me to go to A&E. She asked me 3 times if I was sure I was bleeding from the front passage and not the back passage, now I'm no doctor but I know the difference between front and back. She said my bloods were fine although I wasn't aware what bloods they did nor the results, I just took her word for it. She examined me by feeling around my tummy area and I then explained to her that I wasn't sure if I could be pregnant and that I had a suspect ovarian cyst that gynae were investigating and as I fell over then started abnormally bleeding I was concerned if I had damaged something to which she said the ovarian cyst would not have ruptured as you would be in agony and you're not pregnant as your blood test is negative. I asked if what I was experiencing may be implantation bleeding due to the timings of events to which she dismissed and advised that blood tests will pick up pregnancy 5 days after, this is 2/3 weeks after so she just put it down to menstrual cycle. I advised this is not normal for me to bleed like this, unexpected and it was very fresh blood whereas my menstrual blood is dark, she told me I had valid concerns and reasons for being there but as the blood tests are fine there is nothing they can do and maybe go and see my GP. She then offered me a urine test to which I asked what that will achieve, she said rule out a UTI, although she doesn't think it is that, I agreed and said no it's not that as I have had that before. I think she could tell how deflated I felt and offered to get a second opinion by her superior to which I said no it's fine, I've just spent a long time waiting to find out nothing is wrong, it's just frustrating. She then offered to call me the next day to see how I am, I told her not to bother as I was at work all day. I left feeling quite upset and anxious and surprised at the lack of interest and empathy shown. I also felt like I was wasting their time.

Suggested improvements
Try to be more approachable and friendly, I understand this isn't a hotel and is not a hospitality proud sector, however, tone of voice, explanation and delivery of communication is important. I felt like she may as well have said 'go home, stop wasting our time, you're just on your period'. The lady sat in the room at the desk where I had my bloods done made me feel like I was intruding, I am unsure if she was already past her finish time but she didn't have the time of day for me nor look at me when she was speaking to me. The lady DR lacked empathy and understanding and to ask a patient 3 times if they are sure they're bleeding from the front passage and not the back is insulting.
