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24th June 2024

My OT understood my health condition well, and put in place physical aids to help me. He also gave me goals to work towards at each meeting, to help both my mental and physical health. I would have really struggled with my brain radiotherapy treatment, without the techniques I had been given. And they will be invaluable in the future, enabling me to manage my health conditions, improve my mobility, and maintain the improvements in my mental health. Both myself, and my house have been future proofed, as mybrain tumour issues are not going to just go away. So this therapy will save money in the future, as I will need less NHS services, as I can now manage myself better!

Suggested improvements
I wish that I could have had occupational therapy sooner after my brain op, as I would have improved quicker. I do realise that there are patients far worse than me, and so many of them, that it makes long waiting lists.

Rehabilitation goals
Therapy benefit
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