Bassetlaw District General Hospital

Blyth Road, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, England, S81 0BD
31,913 reviews




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Review of Ward A2 written by a patient
7th August 2017

We have spent a great deal of time in both the Maternity and Labour Ward at Bassetlaw due to a number of factors. The staff were brilliant with us, especially as we are first time parents, and the service was outstanding. I can't name all the staff who supported us, but the key people whom I feel deserve recognition in some way shape or form are: Kath and Sue, cleaners on A2, excellent service and really looked after us, as well as taking time to get to know us and make us feel as at home as we could. Lauren Titley midwife. Talked us through the C-section and really looked after us. Liz and Allison in Pregnancy assessment., friendly, helpful and put us at ease through a range of situations.

Feeding baby
Encouragement feeding
Call bell
Review of Therapy Outpatient Clinics (BDGH) written by a patient
5th August 2017

Harriet Dawes was amazing. She made me feel comfortable and Important. She was very sympathetic and knew exactly how i was feeling and knew what she was doing. Harriet was cheerful , chatty and friendly. There was very little waiting , I was seen minutes after arriving. Harriet gave me all the information I needed and answered all my questions in language I understood. I would definitely recommend this department to anybody.

Rating not given.
Review of Day Surgery (BDGH) written by a patient
3rd August 2017

All of the staff were very accommodating, efficient and professional.

Review of Ward A2 written by a patient
26th July 2017

Already left a review for A2. Horrible and upsetting experience as a patient and new mother. Poor care and service.

Review of Ward A2 written by a patient
25th July 2017

It was a shame that I had such great care on the labour ward, only to be let down and have the total opposite experience on the postnatal ward (A2). I was told by the labour ward my baby would need 12hrs of observations so we couldn't leave till 6pm, which we understood. Once the last check was performed we were ready to go, all packed up, car moved ready for collection and I had even been fully discharged. We were ready to leave and then one of the midwives says "Oh, I didn't realise this was your first child, you seem so relaxed, I need to see you breastfeed before you go." I then tried to wake my baby to feed but she was sleepy (I think from the diamorphine I had during labour), so at that moment was unable to be watched. I had no idea that was needed before I could leave, if I had been told 12 hours earlier, I could have shown them throughout the day. Even if my baby had fed at that point the midwife never returned to see and I never saw her again, I think she went home. I was then left unsure what to do. I tried to ask another midwife but she didn't know and had to check. Still no word so I asked her again later and she said they need to see me feed so I can't go home and I have to stay the night. I was gutted. My husband had to leave me, I was in pain and found it difficult to move as I had stitches, so I found it hard throughout the night to look after my baby on my own as the midwives did not help. Even though they were supposed to be watching me feed, the only time they came to me was when I pressed the buzzer to try and get them to watch/help me feed her as she wasn't staying on long so I was manually expressing most of the time. The night staff gave me minimal help/advice and before that no one had done so. The night staff disappeared come morning and I had no idea if I could go or not. I didn't know if they had passed on what they had seen to the day staff or not or even if they were happy with what we could do. There were various shift changes during my stay and only a couple of midwives actually introduced themselves on the last change before I went home and finally filled my board in with my details and their names. Everyone else, I had no idea who they were and if/what they were handing over as no one seemed to know anything about me. I spent the morning trying to figure out if I could go, one midwife said yes after discharge. I said I had already been through everything but I was still made to wait a long time untill she was free to do the discharge. Once started she realised I was correct and everything had already been completed the day before. She said she would tell the community midwives not to visit me that day as they should visit the day after discharge and because I was down as being discharged the day before, a midwife was already scheduled to visit me. We had been home 20minutes and the midwife still visited us. We told her we had only just got back so she left and said we would get a visit the next day. The breast feeding team called me on day 5 post delivery(didn't hear from them before that), which is when I was told I should of been trying breast aswell as giving a specific amount of expressed bottle. I had been told by the childrens ward on day 3 to express and give that as my baby had lost weight. My milk had only just come in and my baby had started to suck properly so we were just getting into it but I was told to express, which was fine. But as I wasn't told to keep trying breast also, by the time I found out, my baby had forgotten how to take breast as the bottle was so easy for her. I was gutted but kept trying my baby on the breast and contacted the breast feeding team for advice but they took 2 days to respond and even then they wanted to refer me and didn't give advice. Overall I had a horrible and upsetting experience with all the postnatal services and struggled as a new mother. Poor services and support.

Feeding baby
Encouragement feeding
Call bell
Review of Labour Ward (BDGH) written by a patient
25th July 2017

The Dr, midwife and student midwife who helped me deliver were great. After I was induced I progressed very quickly. When I felt I was near the end and wanted to push, I asked to be re assessed as I wanted an epidural before it was too late. They wanted me to wait until my next routine examination (15min away) but I said I couldn't wait that long as the pain was too much and I was sure I was near the end so they did examine me then but I was already fully dialated so was unable to have the epidural. My only criticism is that when people have an induction, I feel the staff presume it will take a while and only want to re examine at routine points, instead of listening to the patient and realising the induction has done its job. I had expressed my concerns earlier when I new I was progressing quickly after the diamorphine wore off quickly and my contractions were very close, that I didn't want it to get too late to have an epidural. I was told not to worry and that there would be time. I feel if they had examined me sooner when I first said I definitely needed the epidural, they would of seen how quickly I was dialating and been able to give me the epidural before it was too late and before I said I really want them to examine me again. Everywhere was clean apart from the underside of the sink in the bathroom where there was dried blood but I can see how that was missed and the toilet seal was already broken. Other than that I can't praise the staff enough, even though it was too late for the epidural, their support and care through the labour was great and the midwife even stayed past her shift to finish up with us.

Support in labour
Partner informed
Spoken to
Review of Medical Day Unit written by a patient
22nd July 2017

From my initial phone call to the MDU, I felt welcomed and in the hands of very professional and caring people. I have to visit the ward twice a month, and have always received the best care. All the staff remember your name, which makes anyone feel a bit special. Known as "Jack & Jill's " the MDU is always busy, and the staff never seem to get a break, but they are always cheerful and friendly.

Review of Ward A2 written by a patient
19th July 2017

I have so many complaints with the maternity A2 ward at Bassetlaw, i don't know where to start!!! Contradictory advice from all levels of NHS involved with me. Person X advised one course of action whereas a few hrs later when shifts change, person Y advised the opposite course of action. It just depends who is working that shift as to whether you will be well looked after. No communication between staff when they start/finish shifts. Goodness knows what is discussed at their staff meetings/handovers on ward A2 but electronic notes of some sort are needed so that patients don't have to inform staff what has happened to them!!!!! Scottish midwife on A2 with glasses was very rude, obnoxious and needs maths recap training on percentages.....when she threatened me in the early hrs one morning to keep on feeding my baby (as if I wasnt!) as she'd lost more weight than would be allowed for being discharged, her calculations were wrong. Horrible 5 days experienced on A2 in January 2017 and when telling my health visitor about it, she thrust a complaint letter in my hand to complain formally. I don't have the time or the energy to pursue though.....

Feeding baby
Encouragement feeding
Call bell
Review of A&E (Bassetlaw) written by
19th July 2017

Entered A&E following advice by pharmacist following a head trauma. Excellent service throughout our visit from initial reception, nurse, doctor and CT scan team.

Review of A&E (Bassetlaw) written by a patient
15th July 2017

Everyone I dealt with was relaxed, reassuring,caring and professional. This applies to reception ,triage, the doctor, the staff members who took my blood,measured my urine retention,my X-ray and fitted my catheter and instructed me in its use. The premises were clean,bright and spacious. I also heard staff dealing gently and kindly with patients who were distressed and disorientated. Well done all !

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