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Written by a patient
22nd June 2015

My daughters appointment today was for 8.50am so she could get to school after. The receptionist couldn't answer my question as to why the doctor was late - mine was the first appointment of the day - the doctor had not called in - no one had seen her in the practice. So I waited. We were called by the doctor at 9.08am with no apology offered. When I asked what the delay was and mentioned the time of my appointment - she merely said 'there was a malfunction.....' and left it at that! What malfunction - I'm sorry but I find that unacceptable. If we as patients are not seen if 10 minutes late (sign outside) then surely if we have an appointment and are there on time we should at least have an apology offered if events happen that mean the time is not kept to. I would have thought it is common courtesy. That just polite. Very disappointing. My daughter was late for school and now is marked absent for the morning because she missed the cut off point on the schools register because the doctor was late!
