
Professor Damian Griffin OBE TD VR BM BCh MA MPhil FRCS(Tr&Orth)

46 reviews

Professor Damian Griffin OBE TD VR BM BCh MA MPhil FRCS(Tr&Orth) was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
2nd February 2024

It was an honour to meet and be cared for by Professor Griffin, as a 31 year old male I first noticed I had hip issues after a long hike. As time went on this progressed to more aching, heavy restriction and caused me to walk with a limp after long periods of being on my feet. I went to see a Dr at a Bupa facility who was a specialist in Sports Injuries and explained what had happened. I had an initial MRI which had confirmed I had osteoarthritis in my left hip. I had played basketball to a high level throughout my youth and early 20's and this high impact on my dominant jumping leg had left me with this issue. The Dr at the Bupa facility referred me to Professor Griffin and in his words said 'I would trust this guy with my own family' and that really is the truth. My career as a pilot meant I had to stop working due to the restriction in my hip and the safety of my flying which has really put a halt on my life. Professor Griffin reassured me in our first consultation that he would get me back to where I was and his calm nature and professionalism really reassured me after just speaking to him. He talked me through the procedure and that a hip resurfacing was the way to go being as young as I am and having an active lifestyle as opposed to a total hip replacement. He informed me that he wouldn't do the operation unless he was sure he could give me the quality of life and be able to do what I want to do in terms of sport and exercise in the future. I underwent a few more scans before the operation and pretty quickly we were near the operation date. In that time my hip had regressed even further to the point it was a struggle to put my shoes and socks on and most nights I would wake up in agony with a constant ache inside my hip. I am a keen cyclist as well as being a basketball player and I was at the point around 3 months before the operation that I couldn't really even cycle any longer as the pain just wasn't worth it let alone I hadn't picked up a basketball in 2 years. On the day of the operation Professor Griffin came in and walked me through everything that I wanted to know about the day. I really wasn't at all nervous going in because it had been explained to me so well by Professor Griffin exactly what he was going to do and with talking to people in person who had worked with him everybody had told me that he's the best guy for the job. After the surgery I was in St John & St Elizabeth for 4 days. The initial 2 weeks is very sore lots of swelling, scar tissue and pain from the wound itself but I'm now 3 weeks on and I am noticing how much better I am even 3 weeks after the operation. I'm no longer waking up in pain and I'm already starting to see the difference in my mobility. I couldn't be more thankful to Professor Griffin he does not treat you as a patient of his he wants to get to know you and learn who you are as a person. I couldn't recommend him to anybody who is suffering with hip related issues enough.

Written by a private patient at The Harley Street Specialist Hospital
10th January 2024

I came to see Prof Griffin after an MRI confirmed that I had a labral tear in my right hip which was preventing me from running. The pain in my hip meant that I was no longer able to compete as a triathlete as I was struggling to train effectively and even cycling in an aero position was a problem. I was very apprehensive about having any invasive procedure and had considered that my triathlon career might be over. However, Prof Griffin was very calm and reassured me that it would be possible to run again. We carried out a range of tests to identify/confirm the issue before proceeding with any surgery. After having surgery and completing the rehab, I am able to run again and have been amazed at how well I have recovered. It is as if the injury never occurred. Thank you!

Written by a private patient at The Warwickshire Nuffield Hospital
24th December 2023

I had the unique privilege of undergoing a hip resurfacing procedure performed by Professor Griffin, and I am beyond grateful for the exceptional care that I received. As a former professional rugby athlete with Harlequins - my hip was in a miserable state post career, with constant pain and a limp at the age of 35. His expertise and precision were immediately evident, which, coupled with his compassionate approach to patient care, made for a truly reassuring experience. The hip resurfacing was successful, and my recovery was surprisingly smooth, largely due to the comprehensive post-operative guidance given by Professor Griffin. I am back to my normal activities without any pain or discomfort and able to enjoy an active life with my son. I highly endorse Professor Griffin for anyone considering hip resurfacing, an expert in his field who genuinely prioritises patient welfare.

Written by a private patient at The Harley Street Specialist Hospital
20th November 2023

As a 49-year-old lady who has enjoyed keeping fit all her life, I have endured hip-related problems on and off over the years. However, in the last year or so, the discomfort started to ramp up to a point where I was affected daily. A friend suggested I make contact with Anna Curnow, a local physio. After a meeting with her, she very quickly organised an MRI for me. Within a week the results were in and diagnosed that I had a right hip labral tear. My physio recommended Professor Damian Griffin - I am delighted that she did! After the initial consultation with Professor Griffin, it was decided that I would undertake a right hip arthroscopy. Six weeks later, Professor Griffin performed the procedure, Right hip arthroscopy; labral shrinkage and debridement. Over the next few days, I was expecting some post-op pain, but it never really presented itself. I was handled extremely delicately during the surgery and this was highlighted in my recovery coupled with Professor Griffin's advice of not rushing the recovery. Professor Griffin is a delightful, calming gentleman who genuinely wants the best for you and is a superb surgeon. From start to finish my treatment was excellent. I cannot thank him enough for his expertise and for giving me my smile back. It’s my 50th next year and now I look forward to winter training to enjoy some tough physical events next year to mark my big number!

Written by a private patient at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
11th November 2023

An earlier review described Damian as 'having your best interests at heart'. This captures it for me. I originally consulted him with a hip problem 13 years ago. He could have operated then - other surgeons would have. Instead he told me I could manage my condition. It was another 10 years before I needed to see him again. At that stage he said I needed FHR intervention and I felt 100% confident in his judgement. I've always kept fit. I exercise meaningfully pretty much every day. Damian assured me that, after rehab, I could return to the same exercise regime I'd had before. Two years on from the procedure, I'm fitter, more mobile, more flexible than I was twenty years ago....let alone two years ago. Just brilliant.


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Specialist hip surgeon for young or active people. International expert in hip preservation surgery and hip arthroscopy.