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Written by a private patient at Nuffield Health Woking Hospital
9th April 2024

I first saw Mr Harb in March 2023 for what i thought was a fairly straightforward problem, however after examining my foot he thought I had another problem. I was sent for an MRI scan which showed a fracture. Unfortunately recovery was slow and after two 6 week stints in a fracture boot, another MRI and a CT scan we decided on surgery as the fracture wasn't healing. Mr Harb performed surgery and it went well. Four weeks in a cast and four weeks in a fracture boot and I was healed. Follow up appointments and physio care were excellent and I'm pain free for the first time in a long time. I would most definitely recommend Mr Harb.

17th October 2023

I've had severe pain and instability in my ankle for many years now, stopping me be as active as I'd like - particularly limiting access to sports. I was referred to Mr. Harb after a round of unsuccessful physio which lead to an MRI. Upon seeing the MRI, Mr. Harb performed keyhole surgery on my ankle and arranged physio follow-up. I'm now 8 weeks post surgery and my ankle is in the best shape it's been in years. I'd thoroughly recommend Mr. Harb to anyone suffering with a similar ailment - he took the time to understand the issue and talked through all of the available options - settling on the one that was likely to have the most impact with the shortest recovery period.

Written by a private patient at Ashford Hospital
31st August 2023

An all round pleasant experience from start to finish. Mr Harb was very professional consultant and made me feel at ease from the beginning. Thank you very much.

Written by a NHS patient at Ashford Hospital
1st August 2023

Mr Harb was the easiest medical person ever to talk to. Everything he asked or explained was very clear and very easy to understand. He knew exactly what was happening from my notes and Xrays even though we had never met. I have not had a helpful experience recently with a GP at my surgery who basically dismissed me. It was the most enormous relief to meet Mr Harb, smiling, relaxed, personable, totally understanding, concerned and caring. He explained I needed an operation on my toe to remove an infected screw, realised this was why I've been really unwell since last November which no-one picked up on despite blood tests, and because he was going to be away for 3 weeks decided it was in my best interests to get me seen asap. He phoned a colleague at another hospital (even though he knew it was his day off!), clearly had a really good relationship with this consultant, explained my situation and asked if I could be transferred to his list this week. Within two hours of leaving the hospital phoned me and confirmed I'm down for the day surgery this Friday (3 days away). I am SO relieved and SO grateful to Mr Harb. I even told him that if it weren't inappropriate I would give him a big hug! He smiled! So many doctors and consultants are somehow distant and somehow a bit superior, he was so approachable, on my level as it were, and very humble.

Written by a NHS patient at St Peter's Hospital
1st August 2023

Initially I had surgery on my feet due to chronic arthritis which was not performed correctly by another surgeon which left me unable to walk properly or wear normal shoes. I was very upset and distraught as we a family of walkers. Mr Harb has changed my life by corrected the mess on both my feet enabling me to be able to wear normal shoes and be able to walk. He not only has changed my life he is very compassionate, caring and listened to me. This has had a very positive impact on my mental health which had suffered greatly as a result of the previous surgeon's actions. Now loving life walking the dogs, have explored Scotland and now venturing abroad.


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