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Written by a NHS patient at Epsom General Hospital
4th February 2024

I write in praise of consultant surgeon Mr Tou Pin Chang.. Mr Chang performed a successful 7 hour Extended Right Hemicolectomy on me to remove a cancerous tumour at Epsom hospital on the 22nd November 2023.. I am in advanced age of 89.. Mr Chang was kindly , considerate ,informative and reassuring on giving me the unwanted news ..Subsequently he approached my operation in a calm manner , giving me confidence in his expertise..His postoperative aftercare was excellent.. At my follow up Epsom hospital on the 12th January 2024 he explained my results and future health checks going forward.. I can’t thank Mr Chang enough for the great care he gave me , and will always be truly grateful to him for giving me the benefit of his amazing surgery skills..

Written by a NHS patient at Epsom General Hospital
12th January 2024

Mr Changs Was very clear in the treatment that I was to receive. Everything was explained in great detail so that I was clear as to what to expect. And his after surgery care was excellent he was available when ever he was required . I was very impressed with Mr Changs commitment to his patients

Written by a NHS patient at Epsom General Hospital
9th January 2024

Mr Tou Pin Chang is a very caring person. He explained everything to me before my operation and kept an eye on every stage of my recovery.If I did not understand anything Mr Chang would explain even if he had already told me. I found Mr Chang to be friendly and would always ask me if I had any question nothing seemed to much for him and I never felt that he was in a rush. I had a 9 hour operation and was very scared before and after my surgery i am just so thankful that Mr Chang was beside my side every step of the way. I really can’t put into words how grateful I am that Mr Chang was my surgeon.

Written by a NHS patient at Epsom General Hospital
22nd December 2023

I first met Mr Chan in October 2022 which was 7 months after my stoma surgery. I wanted to have the reversal surgery and he explained all about this in detail. I decided I wasn’t mentally ready for the surgery and we met again in July 2023 when I decided to have this done and it was arranged for September 2023. It could not have gone better. It was a straightforward reversal with no need for a temporary stoma bag and performed by key hole surgery. I couldn’t have been more pleased with the results. My recovery was good and I left hospital 5 days later. I have recovered well at home and have just seen Mr Chan for a follow up appointment and he is very pleased with my recovery. I can not thank Mr Chan and his team enough for everything. They have been brilliant. I was very nervous having this second surgery after such an awful time with the first surgery. Mr Chan is a brilliant surgeon.


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Specialises in

  • General surgery


Mr Chang is a Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals since April 2022. He has a high volume laparoscopic colorectal resection practice treating patients with colon cancer, rectal cancer, diverticular disease and inflammatory bowel disease. He is a member of the Royal Marsden Colorectal Cancer Multidisciplinary Team and his primary interests centre on providing high quality minimal access surgery and comprehensive holistic care to all of his patients after major and complex major surgery.

Prior to becoming a Consultant, Mr Chang was trained in Coloproctology and Surgical Oncology in North West London with specialist training in advanced pelvic malignancy and pelvic exenteration surgery at The Royal Marsden Hospital and in complex inflammatory bowel disease at St. Mark’s Hospital, the national bowel hospital for complex diseases, in London. He has completed a Royal College of Surgeons accredited fellowship in robotic colorectal surgery at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth, a high volume cancer resection unit renowned for its pioneering minimal access techniques.

Mr Chang qualified with Commendation from the University of Glasgow in 2007 and he gained his PhD in 2016, from Imperial College London. He was awarded Fellowship of The Royal College of Surgeons of England, FRCS (Gen Surg) in 2019 and he is on the General Medical Council Specialist Register since 2021.

He works exclusively at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust.