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General surgery

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Disability FFT 2020


Mr Tou Pin Chang

19 reviews

Mr Chang is a Consultant General and Colorectal Surgeon at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals since April 2022. He has a high volume laparoscopic colorectal resection practice treating patients with colon cancer, rectal cancer, diverticular disease and inflammatory bowel disease. He is a member of the Royal Marsden Colorectal Cancer Multidisciplinary Team and his primary interests centre on providing high quality minimal access surgery and comprehensive holistic care to all of his patients after major and complex major surgery. Prior to becoming a Consultant, Mr Chang was trained in Coloproctology and Surgical Oncology in North West London with specialist training in advanced pelvic malignancy and pelvic exenteration surgery at The Royal Marsden Hospital and in complex inflammatory bowel disease at St. Mark’s Hospital, the national bowel hospital for complex diseases, in London. He has completed a Royal College of Surgeons accredited fellowship in robotic colorectal surgery at Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth, a high volume cancer resection unit renowned for its pioneering minimal access techniques. Mr Chang qualified with Commendation from the University of Glasgow in 2007 and he gained his PhD in 2016, from Imperial College London. He was awarded Fellowship of The Royal College of Surgeons of England, FRCS (Gen Surg) in 2019 and he is on the General Medical Council Specialist Register since 2021. He works exclusively at Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust.


  • General surgery