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Written by a carer
7th January 2015

Our son broke his wrist very badly and we were most fortunate to have Philip Matthew attend to him. From the start, he was attentive, approachable, considerate and put a frightened 14 year old and his worried parents totally at ease. The treatment lasted seven months and involved three operations, two of which were performed by Philip himself. After each operation, he made a point of coming to speak to us, explained in detail what had been done and set out what the prognosis was. His attentiveness was exemplary and his kindness in visiting our son when the boy was upset beyond the normal call of duty. His humanity shone through at all times. His surgical skills are obviously of the highest quality and, allied to his personality, go to make Philip Matthew one of the best consultants we have ever encountered. Our son has now made a full recovery, thanks to the dedication of this excellent surgeon and he has been inspired by him to follow a career as an orthopedic surgeon. As a family, we will always be grateful to Philip and trust we will see him one day as a Professor. We hope that our paths will cross again, possibly with our son shadowing Philip which would be a great honour for us. We wish him all the best for the future and will never forget his kindness and understanding during a very difficult time.
