Mr Paul Thiruchelvam was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a private patient at King Edward VII Hospital
25th January 2023

I was originally diagnosed with breast cancer through regular screening at Imperial College Health Trust. I met Mr Thiruchelvam at Charing Cross and he told me I had a Grade 1 cancer that needed to be surgically removed and that the prognosis was good. I asked him if I could be referred to a private clinic and he offered to take me on as a patient at King Edward VII's hospital close to where I live. From the outset I felt very confident with Mr Thiruchelvam as he explained everything very clearly and was extremely thorough. I had an MRI which picked up something he did not like so he sent me for a full body PET scan. Luckily that was all clear. I then had a biopsy of one lymph node which again was clear. Now I was ready for the surgery. The surgery turned out much better that I had anticipated. There is virtually no change in my breast as a result of the incredibly skilled work of Mr Thiruchelvam and no pain as a result of his referring me to Dr Matt Brown for pre-surgical advice and medication. I am now waiting for the next stage of my journey - radiotherapy and ongoing medication. I feel extremely confident that I have had the best treatment I could possibly have had. Mr Thiruchelvam is not only a highly skilled surgeon he really understands what his patients want and listens to their needs and concerns.

Written by a private patient at King Edward VII Hospital
24th January 2023

I do not know where to start. When the results of my biopsy was shared and I was told that I have the dreaded "C". I was numb. I had an inkling this was the case since I was recalled for further tests. Our lives were literally turned upside down. The NHS surgeon was fantastic and supportive. We had decided to use our health insurance. He strongly recommended Paul, if a family member was in this situation he would refer to Paul. From our initial contact with Michelle on 28 October, the ball started rolling swiftly. Throughout this process she has been on the ball. My husband Satish and I had our first consultation with Paul on the same day. He had already reviewed the results of my tests and explained what the next steps would be. His knowledge, understanding and manner in which he went through my diagnosis, made us feel at ease and confident that we are in safe hands. Paul referred me for a range of scans, MRI's etc which resulted in further biopsies carried out by Neil, Sarah and Fiona who were extremely understanding, made me feel comfortable and reassured me that all these were being done because Paul is thorough, and does not leave a stone unturned. Not forgetting Amelia who is incredible, always available to answer my queries. In the absence of Amelia, Helen stepped in and ensured that I was fully supported. When my surgery details were finalised I had a wobble, thankfully Paul and Amelia were patient with me and made sure my queries were answered, and referred me to Adil for another opinion before we proceeded with the next steps. Today is 24 January 2023, I have undergone a lumpectomy and thereafter LICAP reconstruction and recovering well. The anaesthetists James and Chris helped me with my anxiety prior to my surgeries. Paul kept my husband Satish updated after each surgery. The pain management has been awesome, it keeps me comfortable. Paul has referred me to Suzan, preparatory work is underway for me to start radiotherapy next week and hormonal treatment. Thanks to Paul and his wonderful team for the fantastic care and support. Paul, Satish, Shraiya and I are indebted to you for saving my life. Even though I feel as though my body has taken a hammering, it is worth it. I know this isn't the end, this is the start of regular scans etc. but this will increase the possibility of me being around to take care of my grand children. Throughout this process every other professional I came in to contact with demonstrated immense respect for Paul. I have also done some research on Paul before my first appointment, all his reviews are spot on, he keeps up to date with latest trends and developments in his field, is a honorary senior lecturer, involved in clinical trials and does further work in USA. I have given my breast cancer a name, tofani, meaning naughty. Paul has destroyed tofani. From an extremely grateful patient, Anita.

Written by a private patient at King Edward VII Hospital
21st January 2023

After my first consultation with Paul Thiruchelvam I felt secure that I was in safe hands and that my breast cancer would be dealt with aptly and efficiently. It was a frightening experience to be diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer but Paul was informative and reassuring in his presentation, analysis and solutions. He has a very impressive team that added to that sense of security from Michelle Wright his practice manager who responded efficiently to questions, to Daniel Lee and Adil Khan who provided instructive insight into their respective reconstruction specialities and to Suzy Cleator the oncologist who advised on longer term management. I must also mention Amelia Cook my breast nurse who I found so relatable and comforting - with the ability to always respond reassuringly to difficult questions. This difficult period in my life has been made palatable by Paul and his amazing team.

Written by a NHS patient at Charing Cross Hospital
6th January 2023

A few months after turning 26 years old, I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. After IVF and chemo treatment, I was fortunate enough to be operated on by Dr. Paul Therachelvam. I decided to go with a mastectomy with an implant breast reconstruction, as well as a LYMPHA surgery that could reduce my chances of getting lymphoedema in the future. During my cancer treatment, I was enormously impressed by the professionalism, empathy, and efficiency of the NHS, and Dr. Paul was no exception. He has not just saved my life together with Dr. Rizki and Dr. Williams, but made me look even better than before. After 9 hours of surgery, he made time to inform my partner re the progress of the surgery and over the following days he followed up with check ups on me. Regarding scarring, they appear to be very minimal, especially under the breast - looking like just a scratch. Overall, recovery felt pretty fast (even though I managed to get covid from my lovely family). Many thanks to Dr. Paul’s nurse Ola who brilliantly assists him and removed my drains a week after surgery. She has great knowledge, experience, and empathy! Throughout the process, I felt that I could fully trust Dr. Paul to represent my best interests during the surgery and do a top notch job :) Thank you very much and I can’t recommend you enough for anyone who is unfortunate to have cancer but fortunate to get to be operated on by you!

Written by a NHS patient at Charing Cross Hospital
2nd January 2023

It became clear very quickly to me that I would be in good hands with Mr Thiruchelvam. All my appointments were as scheduled and very professional. The plan for my treatment was clear and organised efficiently. I was informed of all the details at every stage with the ability to ask questions. Mr Thiruchelvam is approachable, friendly and reassuring whilst also being clear and concise. Once I reached the day of my surgery, everything was handled efficiently but with care shown for my feelings as well. I was able to go home the same day and needed no pain killers as a result of the surgery. The healing process has been very smooth and the precision of the incision/wound is amazing and done in a most careful and sympathetic way to give me confidence for the future. Thank you very much to Mr Thiruchelvam and all his team for his expertise, skill and care.


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Paul is a Consultant Breast and Reconstructive Surgeon at Imperial College NHS Trust and an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Surgery at Imperial College, London.

He graduated from Imperial College in 2000 and undertook his Surgical Training in North West Thames, during which time he rotated through the breast units at Imperial College and The Royal Marsden. He completed his surgical training as a National Oncoplastic Group (TIG) fellow at the Nottingham Breast Institute, where he undertook research mapping the anatomy of chest wall perforator flaps (LICAP & LTAPs) in partial and total breast reconstruction.

Paul has undertaken travelling fellowships to the MD Anderson, Mayo Clinic, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centers, and was awarded a Winston Churchill Memorial Fellowship in 2016, visiting the United States and Japan to observe the use of axillary reverse mapping (ARM) and Lymphatic Microsurgical Preventing Healing Approach (LYMPHA) in primary lymphoedema prevention. Paul is actively involved in lymphedema prevention and surveillance.

As a member of the member of the expert panel on breast cancer related lymphoedema, he was involved in drafting best practice guidelines for the American Society of Breast Surgeons. He is the current Chair of oncoplastic breast surgery for the American College of Surgeons and the and serves on the oncoplastic faculty for the American Society of Breast Surgeons and teaches on Surgical Techniques for the Prevention and Management of Lymphedema for the American Society of Breast Surgeons.

Paul received his PhD in Molecular Oncology from Imperial College in 2010, under supervision from Professors Simak Ali, Laki Buluwela and Charles Coombes. He was awarded the first joint clinical research fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons and Cancer Research:UK to fund his research. He is actively involved in clinical trials, including the multi-centre PRADA trial.