Mr Paul Thiruchelvam was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a patient at The Lister Hospital
13th February 2018

Following a diagnosis of high grade DCIS, I recently came under the care of Paul Thiruchelvam which has been exemplary. I am currently recovering from a wide local excision and therapeutic mammoplasty prior to radiation therapy. At all stages of the process, I have been impressed by Paul's attention to the details of my case, which has been one of unusual complications. He has taken great care throughout to explain both these details and the options available in response, providing guidance through his expertise while enabling me to make decisions regarding my care. Paul's knowledge of the impact of both the medical and aesthetic aspects of surgery to the patient's experience and recovery is clearly key to his expertise; his ability to discuss both elements with empathy and understanding, however, is as impressive and doubtless not experienced with every consultant. His calm, friendly and approachable demeanour is something I have very much appreciated. On more than one occasion, Paul's colleagues have expressed to me their respect for his caring attitude, expertise and attention to the detail of my case. Their readiness to comment speaks again of the unusual and superior nature of Paul's care. As I continue under his guidance and through treatment, I remain wholly confident in and grateful for Paul's expertise, and unhesitatingly recommend him to others seeking an appropriate consultant.

Written by a patient at Charing Cross Hospital
7th February 2018

I have had excellent experience being patient of Dr. Thiruchelvam. Diagnosed with Grade 2 breast cancer, I needed lumpectomy and mammoplasty surgeries in my right breast. I was a challenging patient due to having an extremely small size of breast (AA). Dr. Thiruchelvam not only did an excellent job to make my breast look as natural as possible after the surgery, but he was also extremely caring throughout a very difficult time. Being diagnosed with cancer was very challenging mentally but I knew that I was being cared for by a top professional who would not leave any stone unturned to make sure that all the cancer was removed and to set me on the road to recovery. Dr. Thiruchelvam's expertise, confidence, thoroughness and caring attitude at every stage of my treatment were exemplary. He is also very aware of the impact breast surgery can have on woman’s psyche and the aesthetic results of the surgeries are very important to him. Even when I was solely focussed on survival and could not concentrate on the conversation about how my breast would look, he selected a surgery method that would produce the best look result for me. Dr. Thiruchelvam has a very clear and factual manner of explaining the process of care and the various tests and their results. His manner might at times come across as not extremely encouraging but, having gone through the whole process with him, I feel that it was all about underpromising and overdelivering. I trusted him 100% from the beginning and would trust him 100% in case of any further care.

Written by a patient at Charing Cross Hospital
19th January 2018

Following a routine screening mammogram it was discovered that changes had occurred in my left breast since my first mammogram, aged 50. A vacuum biopsy was undertaken to help investigate further. About a week later I met with surgeon Paul T to discuss the results of my biopsy. To my surprise I was informed by Paul that I had Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS); high grade. His delivery of the the news was very positive and calm and both Paul and the Macmillan nurse were very supportive when discussing the next steps. Ten days later I met with Paul for a pre-op appointment to discuss surgical options. He initially informed me that I would have a standard wide local excision (lumpectomy) procedure via open incision. However, due to the position of my cancer (towards the centre of my chest) and my small breasts the procedure was going to be tricky and maybe wouldn't give me the result required. He carefully considered my individual case and thought a wide local excision plus mammoplasty would give me a better result and more natural shape. I trusted Paul to make the right choice on my behalf. A week later I had my surgery following a morning consultation and reassurance. I am very happy with the results and could not have hoped for better. Paul successfully removed my cancer with a clear margin. Quite remarkably he was able to remould my breast to mirror the other, albeit a fraction smaller. He had very little to work with and am amazed he was able to achieve such a great result. I was very fortunate to have such an amazing, charming and experienced surgeon. The surgery he performed has made me feel very positive about my future whilst maintaining my femininity in a circumstance that was thrust upon me. I shall always feel grateful and lucky that our paths crossed and I received such great treatment. The next step of my treatment is radiotherapy and I'm sure I will be greeted with the same care and professionalism I have received from the whole breast team to date.

Written by a patient at Charing Cross Hospital
9th January 2018

Mr Paul Thiruchelvam provided outstanding care throughout my treatment with him. He took the time to ensure I understood everything along the way and was accommodating of my work schedule by organising appointments out of hours and close to work. I wouldn't hesitate recommending him to a friend.

Written by a patient at Charing Cross Hospital
4th January 2018

I was referred to Mr Thiruchelvam after finding a lump in my breast. Scans were indeterminate so I had a core biopsy and then a second to confirm the results of a fibroadenoma. As it was an unusual lump, Mr Thiruchelvam advised that he would also like to do an MRI to be certain and we discussed the option of wait-and-review or an excision biopsy. I opted for the lump to be removed. All appointments happened very quickly and at all times I felt that I had plenty of opportunity to ask questions and that everything was explained carefully. I felt that Mr Thiruchelvam was extremely thorough and I am very grateful that following the excision biopsy there are no question marks over the results. I am very satisfied with the care I received from Mr Thiruchelvam and the team at Charing Cross Hospital Breast Services.


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Paul is a Consultant Breast and Reconstructive Surgeon at Imperial College NHS Trust and an Honorary Senior Lecturer in Surgery at Imperial College, London.

He graduated from Imperial College in 2000 and undertook his Surgical Training in North West Thames, during which time he rotated through the breast units at Imperial College and The Royal Marsden. He completed his surgical training as a National Oncoplastic Group (TIG) fellow at the Nottingham Breast Institute, where he undertook research mapping the anatomy of chest wall perforator flaps (LICAP & LTAPs) in partial and total breast reconstruction.

Paul has undertaken travelling fellowships to the MD Anderson, Mayo Clinic, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centers, and was awarded a Winston Churchill Memorial Fellowship in 2016, visiting the United States and Japan to observe the use of axillary reverse mapping (ARM) and Lymphatic Microsurgical Preventing Healing Approach (LYMPHA) in primary lymphoedema prevention. Paul is actively involved in lymphedema prevention and surveillance.

As a member of the member of the expert panel on breast cancer related lymphoedema, he was involved in drafting best practice guidelines for the American Society of Breast Surgeons. He is the current Chair of oncoplastic breast surgery for the American College of Surgeons and the and serves on the oncoplastic faculty for the American Society of Breast Surgeons and teaches on Surgical Techniques for the Prevention and Management of Lymphedema for the American Society of Breast Surgeons.

Paul received his PhD in Molecular Oncology from Imperial College in 2010, under supervision from Professors Simak Ali, Laki Buluwela and Charles Coombes. He was awarded the first joint clinical research fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons and Cancer Research:UK to fund his research. He is actively involved in clinical trials, including the multi-centre PRADA trial.