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Written by a patient
28th May 2020

I was devastated to be diagnosed with breast cancer in February 2020. I went for a routine mammogram, and was shocked when I was called back as I hadn't noticed any abnormalities & there was no history of breast cancer in my family. I was petrified & scared. I was terrified I was going to die & leave my 13 year little girl. I was passed to Orla O'Neill a cancer nurse at Charing cross who was absolutely lovely, kind and highly experienced. One thing she said which always stuck with me is that my fear will come in waves, which it did. She explained I will now go on a journey and to take each step at a time, which I did, as hard as that was. My cancer was ER 8/8 and HER2 negative, grade 2 in my left breast. I was reassured it was a small lump 23mm and I took comfort in it being caught early. My allocated surgeon was Paul Thiruchelvam who immediately gave me confidence in his direct clear and professional approach. I felt I could trust him. My surgery was planned for 16th March 2020 and then cancelled due to other abnormalities after an MRI, which have since all been investigated and come back clear. Then of course Covid-19 hit and my future surgery was put on hold for 3 months and I was prescribed anti cancer meds Letrozole. This was certainly a journey!! Luckily a had a call mid April to say Paul was happy to continue with my Lumpectomy, however my symmetrising surgery to my right breast would now be on hold due to Covid-19. I had a mammoplasty to my left breast on 29th April. Again I met with Paul prior to the surgery, although I was obviously scared, I had complete confidence in him and his team. I knew I was in safe hands. It was day surgery, so I was home on the same evening. I was surprised that I had no real pain at all, I was just tender. My surgery was brilliant and my left breast looked really good. I will have some scaring, but that will fade and become a part of who I am now. Im looking forward to a time soon that I can have my right breast lifted to match the left. I went back for my results on 14th May and was given the best news ever!!!! My cancer had been completely removed, (it was actually smaller than 1st thought) There were very clear margins and no cancer had spread to my lymph nodes. I will now just need a little 5 day course of radiotherapy and should be good to go. I am truly grateful to Paul for his wonderful work and could not recommend him highly enough to anyone going through this. Thank you. K.Westbrook
