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Written by a patient
5th March 2018

When Paul delivered my diagnosis of breast cancer I was deeply shocked and found his method of delivery upsetting. He drew a picture of a breast and visually represented invasive lobular cancer to me as he explained the facts. He was direct and honest. At no point in this first meeting did I feel I didn't trust him or that he didn't listen to my questions. I realise now that in a highly charged situation where the surgeon has to deliver news like this there is not much room for anything else - just delivery of the facts. Perhaps a bit more eye contact would have helped as he drew the diagram and delivered the facts. Every time I had an appointment with Paul he was always willing to answer my questions. He welcomed questions which to me demonstrated his dedication and passion for his job. As results from further tests and biopsies came through my diagnosis of breast cancer changed from a small invasive lobular tumor to something alot bigger requiring a mastectomy and axillary node clearance. Through this whole process Paul was compassionate but honest. It was important to me that he respected and agreed with my decision to go for no reconstruction. I felt that he listened to me. He was able to highlight the risks involved regarding surgery and the importance of exercise regarding how to reduce the onset of lymphodema. I was well cared for and dealt with senstively whilst being prepared for surgery. For example the marking of my breast for surgery. After surgery Paul was able to offer practical advice regarding exercises and the support which was available if complications developed after I had left hosptial. I would not hesitate to recommend Paul to anyone with breast cancer and I am very happy with my treatment and the extremely neat scar.Thank you!
