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Written by a private patient at The London Clinic
14th May 2024

Mr Jenkins is amazing. He operated on my colorectal cancer when others wouldn't. He is a hugely talented surgeon. His skilled is matched by his ability to reassure his patient. I always feel 100% confident that he is giving me truthful answers to my 101 questions. Sometimes the message is uncomfortable but never despondent. He is an exceptional communicator and is adept at putting his patient at ease. He is very supportive of my husband and phoned him immediate after surgery to give him reassurance. I must also mention that my oncologist was blown away by his thoroughness and attention to detail (which they considered to be on another level). If you are unfortunate enough to need abdominal surgery, I can't think of any better surgeon to have it performed by. I don't believe I would be alive today without being referred to him. Thank you Mr Jenkins!

Written by a private patient at The London Clinic
14th May 2024

Mr Jenkins is the very best of the best, I feel very lucky to have him as my Doctor/Surgeon he has expertly seen me through several procedures and difficult decisions during the past 2 and a half years of my cancer recovery. I’m grateful to have been referred to him and trust him explicitly.

Written by a private patient at The London Clinic
13th May 2024

Mr Jenkins is a master of his work. I noticed very early on, the empathy he has for his patients. I had a particularly traumatic experience the night before my surgery for colon cancer, due to a blockage. Ian did not hesitate to call me at 1am and assure me everything would be ok, and the surgery would go ahead despite my complications.. This immediately put me at ease and helped me through the night. He then did a very painless surgery that removed all my cancer, and after guided me through adjuvant Chemotherapy with an excellent Oncologist. And thereafter guided me through my scans and anxieties with a genuine interest in my overall health. The extraordinary thing is that two years on i have no evidence of surgery! All the scars are gone, as if by magic! A true master! Im so lucky to have had Ian as my surgeon, and can't recommend him highly enough. A wonderful human being and a fine gentleman! Thank you Ian. Darius Keeler

Written by a private patient at The London Clinic
13th May 2024

Ian Jenkins is really a master of his work. He stood out to me as he has a real sense of compassion for his patients. I had a particularly traumatic night before my surgery for colon cancer, due to a blockage. Ian was so kind to speak to me at around 1am in the morning, to assure me that everything was going to be ok, and that the operation would be able to go ahead regardless of my problems that night. He completely put me at ease immediately. He guided me through my adjuvent Chemotherapy with an excellent Oncologist, and has since guided me through my check up scans with much interest in my overall health. The amazing thing is, there is now no evidence of any surgery whatsoever! All the scars have disappeared. A true master and a wonderful human being. I'm so lucky to have been able to have Ian as my surgeon! Thank you Ian. Darius Keeler

Written by a private patient at The London Clinic
13th May 2024

Mr. Jenkins carefully walked me through the harrowing pre and post colonrectal cancer surgery with the greatest care and attention culminating in a cancer free outcome . Words are inadequate to express my appreciation. This was the healthcare of the highest possible level. Dr Robert M. Crawford C.B.E.


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Specialises in

  • General surgery


Mr John [Ian] T Jenkins has built a worldwide reputation in treating patients with complex bowel cancers through pioneering surgery and treatment approaches. He is Chair of Surgery and Consultant Surgeon at St. Mark’s, the National Bowel Hospital and Honorary Senior Lecturer at Imperial College and University of Glasgow Institute of Cancer Sciences. His practice encompasses both minimally and maximally invasive surgery for colon, rectal and anal cancer; both advanced and recurrent; inflammatory bowel disease related cancer; severe endometriosis; other complex pelvic malignant disease and pelvic rarities [e.g retrorectal tumours]. He has introduced minimally-invasive surgery, high complexity exenteration surgery, pelvic reconstruction techniques, HIPEC and intra-operative radiotherapy [IORT] to London centres and continues to innovate in the management of colorectal cancer.

Nationally, he chairs the Advanced Malignancy Subcommittee of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland and is a founder member of the UK Pelvic Exenteration Network and major contributor to the international PelvEx Collaborative. He has served on numerous national and international committees including the National Laparoscopic Training Programme Steering Group [lapco], lapco Training the Trainers Faculty, United European Gastroenterology [UEG] Scientific, Education, E-learning and Postgraduate Training committees; he supervises the Royal College of Surgeons of England-accredited Senior Clinical MiMICC Fellowship, that encompasses minimally and maximally invasive surgery for colorectal cancer; he has trained a cohort of surgical leaders in both minimally invasive and advanced cancer surgery. He is President of EFISDS and President Elect Designate of Royal Society of Medicine Coloproctology Section.

His interests centre on improving the quality and rapidity of recovery of patients after major and complex major surgery and he has published extensively and presented widely on colorectal and intestinal diseases, being involved in collaborative research and trials in cancer surgery, enhanced recovery and surgical training. He trains and performs live demonstration surgery and outreach surgery internationally with an international referral practice. His current scientific interests relate to host body composition and immunity and their manipulation in colorectal cancer, leading the BiCyCLE [Body Composition Manipulation in Colorectal Cancer] Research group that is conducting NIHR badged studies. Current H-index is 42. He is Surgeon to the Royal Household. Previous awards include American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (ASCRS) International Fellowship and Independent Healthcare Awards Outstanding Contribution Award.