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Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
26th September 2018

I was probably already pre-biased in his favour because he is Greek and I used to live in Greece. However apart from Mr Polyzois (Mr Many Lives in English) being a generally charming and well-informed bloke, the best bit about his care was that having followed his suggestions around specific exercise, not drinking alcohol and not smoking, a terrible fracture to my right humerus healed itself and this meant that I did not, in the end, have to undergo any operations, pins, plates, being in pain for weeks etc. I am sure this saved the NHS a load of money, Mr Polyzois a load of precious time, plus I got the encouragement I needed to start going to the gym and swimming instead of sitting around waiting for an anesthetist etc. and then being unable to do anything requiring right arm for probably weeks. Non-operational treatment is the way forward if it can be reasonably justified. But you need to do what he suggests. I did, and now I pretty much have full movement in right arm. The only thing I can't do yet is front crawl - yet.

Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
25th September 2018

amazing, I had been in agony with my shoulder for several months, could not play golf or have a normal life. 2 months after the operation which included repairing a torn tendon, a shaving of the bone and a general scrap out I am back to normal, no pain and I can hit a golf ball further than I have ever done. This guy knows his business

Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
24th September 2018

I fell and broke my shoulder on a Thursday and was referred by A&E to the fracture clinic the following Monday. I had a very painful weekend! That is where I first met Mr Polyzois. What a relief! I immediately knew that I was in good hands. He took me through every step and was confident that he would be able help. It was a great reassurance. The surgery went well and I was very proud of my X-ray showing 13 pins and a plate! I recovered well and Mr Polyzois was both realistic and encouraging about improvements I could expect. Fast forward 2 years: I had pancreatic surgery and I suspect that my arm was over extended in theatre. I had a sharp pain and difficulty in moving my arm. An X-Ray at A&E revealed that one of the pins had worked loose. After several trips to A&E, I was referred back to the fracture clinic and was so pleased to be greeted by a cheerful 'what have you been doing!?' Mr Polyzios again. It was so lovely that he remembered me, and again I knew it would all be OK. I was extremely worried about further surgery but he answered all my questions patiently. He removed all the pins nice and neatly through the same scar. I think that anyone who has Mr Polyzois as their consultant can expect the very best treatment, delivered in a calm and caring manner.

Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
23rd September 2018

In June 2016, I fell and broke my right shoulder in four places. Mr Polyzois tried to repair it but it was unsuccessful. I was left in a very depressive state as I lost my independence and had to rely on help for many chores and I could not even drive. Then in November 2017, Mr Polyzois changed my life using his expert skills by performing a very complex operation to replace my shoulder. It was very successful and even better than he expected. I can now do everything with my arm I could do before the accident. So it is understandable that Mr Polyzois is my favourite person, and I shall be forever grateful to him!

Written by a patient at St Peter's Hospital
23rd September 2018

Having sustained a complex 4 part proximal numeral fracture I was extremely nervous and afraid of having an operation. On meeting with Mr Polyzios he listened to my concerns and he allayed my concerns and gave me confidence in him very quickly. He explained to me 3 procedures one of which he would do once the incision was made and he could see exactly what he was faced with. I:am 81 and the state of my bones would need to be seen to. Surgery was successful.Mr Polyzios has a calming and caring manner, is very polite, listens well and his explanations are precise and I have no hesitation in highly recommending him. In my case I cannot think of anything he could have done better except maybe making sure that pain relief was not so difficult to get once on the ward. I know ward staff were asked to give me relief whenever I asked for it but it sometimes took a very long time because staff were too busy. I don't think the administrator of drugs was told as soon as he should have been that I had requested it. An hour in pain is a long time when relief is so near.


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Mr Ioannis Polyzois is an experienced and skilled consultant trauma and orthopaedic surgeon at the Surrey Orthopaedic Clinic in Chertsey. He is an expert in shoulder and upper limb surgery, for which he is at the top of his field. He specialises in arthroscopic shoulder and elbow surgery, rotator cuff repair, shoulder stabilisation, complex upper limb trauma, the latest techniques in reconstructive surgery for sports upper limb injuries and all types of upper limb joint replacement surgery.

After qualifying from Liverpool University Medical School, Mr Polyzois completed his postgraduate trauma and orthopaedic training in Leeds, Athens and London. In this time, he worked in major trauma and elective centres, including Leeds General Infirmary and University College London Hospital. Whilst studying in Athens, he was the gold medallist in the Athens orthopaedic exit exam diploma and in the European Board Diploma. Mr Polyzois has also completed dual specialist fellowship training in shoulder and upper limb surgery at the Rowley Bristow unit in Chertsey and at the world-renowned Reading Shoulder Unit, a centre of excellence in this field.

Alongside his clinical commitments, Mr Polyzois is very active in his research, with more than 25 ‘medline’ peer-reviewed publications and authorship of several book chapters in orthopaedics and sports surgery. Mr Polyzois also presents regularly, both nationally and internationally on shoulder and elbow surgery, sports injuries and orthopaedics.

Nearest Orthopaedic and trauma surgeons