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Written by a patient
12th January 2019

I recently had shoulder/rotator cuff issues for which my medical insurers had pushed for me to do physiotherapy. After 3 months with limited improvement, I was referred to Mr Polyzois for consultation. At the initial consultation he referred me for an MRI following a brief series of physical tests, and explained his principal concerns about the limitation in my range of movement and pain experienced at the limits of these ranges. He quickly and personally helped arranged an MRI within a few days as well as a follow-up meeting. This was refreshing after the months of to-ing and fro-ing by the medical insurances. At the second consultation he took the time to walk me through the MRI images in detail, and explained exactly which elements concerned him and why. Fortunately the damage appeared to be limited to an impingement of the nerve and he recommended I get focused physiotherapy on the area to see if it would recover without any intervention on his part such as injections, and or shaving the bone to provide more room for the tendons. He also recommended a physiotherapist that he had confidence in and who has subsequently done great work helping me rehabilitate and strengthen the shoulder. Good news is that it seems to have healed. Prior to our (hopefully) final consultation he had confirmed with the physio that recovery prognosis was good, and has discharged me. I was very appreciative on a number of fronts: he provide good medical care, was accessible to be seen outside of usual 9-5 hours (7pm on Friday night for example), listened to my concerns and sports history, and finally recommended an excellent physio to help get me back on track.
