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Written by a patient at St George's Hospital
1st May 2017

I am from Iceland. There isn't service like this at home for DBS patients, except for one neurologist who knows to configure the DBS device. I had my first DBS device in 2001 and improved a lot. Then the device started failing in 2013 and I have been very sick for four years. I wrote to Tipu Aziz to help me. He pointed out to me that Erlick could perform the operation with him. I feel I got my life back now. Erlick is a very good doctor. He is honest and told me from the beginning what was to be expected. He told me, don't have excessive expectations. I am entirely surprised how rapid my progress has been in the one week now elapsed since the operation. I look forward to going home and being with my husband and son. I will come back to here before/if the device fails again. Thank you Erlick!

Written by a patient at St George's Hospital
19th March 2017

Mr Pereira went to great lengths to explain everything to me before my operation and put my mind at rest. Was a very pleasant gentlemen who I found very easy to talk to, and am very pleased with the outcome. No longer have to live on painkillers, although was worried about the operation at the time, would have no hesitation in saying to someone to having this done if needed.

Written by a patient at St George's Hospital
17th March 2017

I suffered lower back pain for years but this was exacerbated by being knocked down in the street in October of 2015, which resulted in my suffering bouts of sciatica as well as pins and needles down the backs of my legs and having to live on morphine, both tablet and liquid, for weeks at a time. I had an MRI scan after the accident which showed a further narrowing of the vertebrae. I also had to have shoulder operation, also due to the accident which I did in July2016 at another hospital. Mr Pereira said that he usually did not perform this procedure of a laminectomy and fusion on older people due to the fragility of their bones. I am 73 and in good health otherwise and although experiencing several falls over the preceding five years or so had not broken any bones. I'm a tough old bird! So Mr Pereira agreed to operate on 9th December 2016. The operation was entirely successful and I went back to my part-time job on 3rd January. All pain and symptoms have now disappeared, I have returned to my gym to cycle and use the cross-trainer - I am pain-free! I saw Mr Pereira this past week, he's pleased too, and I will see him again one more time in the Autumn to ensure that all has fused as planned. I am extremely pleased not only with Mr Pereira but also the excellent care I received from all the medical staff.

Written by a patient at St George's Hospital
3rd March 2017

Mr Pereira performed my disectemy in Dec 16. Having tried a lumbar epidural, the option was then to proceed to surgery. Having agonising pain for over 5 months, this was the best route of action to take. Throughout the process Mre Pereira was informative, concise and clear in the options available to me. He's empathetic, provides an enormous amount of knowledge and considers the patients interests throughout. Having now had the surgery, I am slowly building back the strength in my core so that I can undertake normal work duties and a wide range of sporting interests. Thank you so much, it's great to have my life back again!

Written by a patient at St George's Hospital
24th February 2017

I recently underwent Deep Brain Stimulation surgery in the Atkinson Morley Wing at St Georges. I cannot praise the whole team highly enough!!!! I was treated most efficiently, effectively and warmlyt by everyone there from Receptionists to Registrars!!! I of course have to extend my thanks to Dr Periera and Dr Paviour. Both of whom were with me throughout my (continuing) 'journey'. My 'operation' lasted about 7 hours in all, most of it conscious and alert, and Dr Periera was with me almost all the way, offering a steady hand and calming voice throughout (He even helped me prepare for the operation by assisting with 'dressing' and putting on my DVT socks as I was not on medication and could do it myself only with great difficulty). I would like to thank: Dr PERIERA Dr Paviour (My two neuropsycologists who' s names escape me) The two anaethetists (just superb) My 'porters' for being friendly and chatty The CT scanner operator All the receptionists, appointment staff etc who have made my life so efficient and so much easier Mr Periera's excellent assistant (who's name I forgot) The 'Management' for letting me have this operation and assembling and keeping together such a great team All my Ward nurses, sisters, matrons, health care workers, cleaners etc etc (Always smiling) The whole 'theatre' team (whom I could not see but could here) Dr S Stapleton (for'popping' in to see I was OK) Dr P Marazzi (my old GP, who first sent me to a Neurologist many years ago and came in to take photo's) Dr G Warner (who first sent me to St George's) and of course the superlatrive and wonderful Mrs A Leeke, a true angel Best wishes to you all


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Specialises in

  • Neurosurgery
  • Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
  • Pain medicine


Mr. Pereira is a London Consultant Neurosurgeon who sees patients at St George's University Hospital, London Spine Clinic and The London Clinic. He has a broad practice of brain, spine and peripheral nerve surgery. He is dual-trained in complex spinal surgery, having trained in neurosurgery at the Oxford John Radcliffe followed by an orthopaedic complex spinal surgery fellowship in Guy’s and St Thomas’. He has special interests in all surgeries for severe chronic pain and cancer pain, spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion stimulation for pain, complex spinal surgery from slipped discs to trauma, tumour and minimally invasive surgery and general brain surgery including trauma, benign lesions, vascular problems and hydrocephalus. He is the lead clinician for functional neurosurgery at St George’s and performed its first deep brain stimulation for Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders, pain and epilepsy operations.

Nearest Orthopaedic and trauma surgeons

Nearest Pain medicine specialists