Mr Ashish Gupta was awarded the iWantGreatCare certificate of excellence in 2024 for delivering outstanding care.



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Written by a NHS patient at Epsom General Hospital
17th April 2024

I was undergoing an exploratory procedure at St Antony's Hospital when an emergency Hartmann's procedure needed to be performed. Luckily Mr Gupta was also operating that day and was able to help the other surgeon and perform the procedure. Following complication caused by diverticulitis my bowel was repaired but I was left with a stoma. Mr Gupta then took on my care. I adjusted to life with a stoma, soon realising I could still cycle and swim and get on with life as before. However a reversal was possible and just over a year after the Hartmann's procedure the opportunity for the reverse Hartmann's arose at Epsom Hospital in January this year. Mr Gupta was very helpful and reassuring in my pre-operation appointments with him. He also set out the risks along with details of the procedure. He always came over as a considerate, kind surgeon and had none of the arrogance and air of superiority some consultants display. My procedure went to plan, it was a lengthy operation reconnecting the bowel, patching up where the stoma had been and involved a sizeable entry wound of around 20cm. It is all healing well and gradually fading with my bowel working as it should. The success is a result of the great skill of Mr Gupta. He has a very high success rate and one of his surgical colleagues comment to me that if they were to need such surgery, Mr Gupta is the surgeon they would want to perform the operation! As someone at the hospital commented to me the procedure I had was a lot of plumbing and sewing......also with some stapling and gluing, but Mr Gupta does it very well. He also had a great team helping him in the operating theatre. I was very pleased Mr Gupta was my Surgeon.

Written by a private patient at Ashtead Hospital
26th March 2024

I had an operation for an open mesh repair of my left inguinal hernia. Dr Gupta explained everything to me in detail, including the various options for the procedure and pros and cons. The operation went extremely well and I am very happy with the service I received and the fact that there was very minimal pain and discomfort. Would highly recommend.

Written by a private patient at Ashtead Hospital
12th March 2024

I recently met Mr Gupta at Ashtead hospital after discovering a hernia in my stomach following a gall bladder removal 25 years ago. Mr Gupta is very professional and is a lovely man. Mr Gupta repaired my hernia and agree that his incision is far better than the previous one! Highly recommend

Written by a private patient at Spire St Anthony's Hospital
7th February 2024

I owe so much to Mr Gupta. After a shock positive FIT test at a routine health assessment, I was lucky enough to find myself referred for colonoscopy with him. I was so nervous and embarrassed prior to my appointment, but Mr Gupta was kind, caring and explained everything before we started. It all went well. In recovery I was quite shocked to hear from Mr Gupta that he found several polyps, one large one. He warned me there and then that I may need major surgery and a possible stoma, but was so supportive and kind and reassuring. Fast forward several weeks, following so many tests and a failed attempt at ESD (by another surgeon), I was quickly referred back to Mr Gupta. Just 4 days later, news came that my polyp was cancerous. I was amazed at my appointment with Mr Gupta, just a day after this news. He had secured my theatre slot, anaesthetist, and supporting registrar for my LAR in 10 days time! Surgery went well, I awoke with a stoma, which was always highly likely. Mr Gupta came by every day of my two week stay in hospital. His concern when I developed ileus was clear to see and I was hugely comforted by his visits and phone calls to check on my progress. He was fantastic with visiting family too - he has a legion of new fans!! Everything came good in the end and I went home and learnt how to adapt to living with an ileostomy. Even after going home Mr Gupta called to check I was OK! I was staggered at his commitment, generosity with his time, and his compassion. He honestly made me feel like his most important patient, even after a long day in theatre! I was lucky not to need chemotherapy and just 17 weeks after this major surgery, I was under the knife once more for my reversal/closure. All went smoothly. I owe my life to Mr Gupta and will forever be indebted to him. He is not only a superb surgeon, but beyond that, an amazing human being. I would recommend him to anybody, without hesitation. Thank-you from the bottom of my heart Mr Gupta and may I also say thanks to Jackie, his PA who is also amazing! Best wishes, Vikki S

Written by a private patient at Ashtead Hospital
26th January 2024

Mr. Gupta has been instrumental in restoring my quality of life following a recent surgery. He treated me with the utmost respect and dignity during a challenging time when I felt at my lowest and most embarrassed. He kept me well-informed about every aspect of my surgery, empowering me to feel in control of the decision-making process. While I wish I had been brave enough to seek treatment sooner, I am so grateful for the opportunity to have been under the care of such a wonderful consultant.


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Mr Gupta is a Practicing General and Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgeon in Surrey. He works in Epsom- St Helier Hospital as a consultant. His private practice is mainly based at St Anthony Hospital in Cheam and Ashtead Hospital.

His main areas of interests include haemorrhoids, rectal bleeding or pain, colonoscopy, polyp removal, bowel surgery including key hole surgery for bowel cancer, diverticular disease and inflammatory bowel disease like Crohn’s disease.

He also performs General Surgery like hernia repair, and acute cases like appendicitis.

Mr Gupta is a member of Association of ColoProctology of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI). He is regarded highly for his low complication rates and high level of patient satisfaction.

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