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Written by a patient at Nuffield Hospital Brighton
14th June 2018

Mr Ajis, Gave me the confidence to have my 2 ingrowing toenail operations. It has been a complete success. I'm free from pain and my 2 large toenails look great. Thank you Mr Ajis. Best wishes, Dr Christina Kadir

6th June 2018

I am a 60 year old lady who has always been fit and active. I had a consultation with Mr Ajis in October 2017 following more and more discomfort with Hallux Ridigus on both feet. I was very apprehensive before the consultation but Mr Ajis immediately put me at ease with his calm and reassuring manner. He informed me he could carry out keyhole surgery (Cheilectomy) under general anaesthetic to remove the Hallux Rigidus on both feet and assured me that I would be mobile almost immediately. In January 2018, I had my operation at 8am and was back in my room before 9am. The anaesthetist and all the staff at Goring Hall Hospital were excellent. After a nice cup of tea, the recovery from the general anaesthetic was very quick. The Physio arrived very soon after and had me on my feet and walking in some special shoes. I was amazed to be walking so quickly and not long after was released from hospital. I walked to the car in my new special shoes to be taken home to rest. I rested with my feet up for 3 days then followed the exercise programme and other advice Mr Ajis gave me. I have recovered extremely well and cannot believe the pain I had been experiencing had vanished and the flexibility in both big toes are amazing. Four months later, I am able to put on normal shoes without any pain or discomfort, I can walk up to 5 miles at a good pace. I have just returned from a holiday and was delighted to show off my new beautiful feet. I wish to personally thank Mr Ajis for his expertise, kindness and for the operation that has allowed me to walk pain free again. Thank you. Helen Arnold

Written by a patient at The Chichester Nuffield Hospital
23rd May 2018

I have been under the care of Mr Ajis for the past two years, during which time I have had two operations. I have arthritis in my big toe, which doesn't sound too serious but which has caused me great distress as I was unable to walk any distance without severe pain. Mr Ajis has always been very encouraging and always gave me the confidence to believe that he could sort problem out in the end. Three months after the second operation I am now walking almost normally and although not totally pain free, I am hoping that it will improve even more over the next few months. The worsening arthritis means that I may have to have more treatment further down the road, and if I do, I will definitely be going back to Mr Ajis. I am very grateful to you, Mr Ajis, for your kindness and your skill.

20th May 2018

Mr Ajis explained what would happen and answered my questions helpfully. Both surgeries went without problems and I recovered very well and speedily.

Written by a patient at The Chichester Nuffield Hospital
16th May 2018

I am not qualified to comment upon this Surgeons competency but if results are indicative then he is very very good. I expected a lot of pain from my foot operation whereas I had little or no pain. He accomplished exactly what he set out to do, what more would a patient wish for? Adam Ajis is approachable and easy easy to talk to. A skill some surgeons do not possess. He is able and willing to discuss and explain in language understandable to the average layman the precise problem you have and how he is going to deal with it.I am impressed. I have already 'referred' a friend to him who is equally impressed. At the Nuffield Chichester he is supported by a very professional team in whom I have the greatest confidence. John Moore. Aldwick, Bognor Regis.


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Do you suffer with a constant pain in your foot or ankle? Are you embarrassed about about the shape of your feet or have difficulty in finding shoes that fit well? Perhaps you have a bunion or other toe deformity. Perhaps you struggle with an unsteady ankle that is affecting your sport. You may even have worsening pain and stiffness developing in your ankle or your foot.

Don't suffer needlessly in silence. Come and see us, we can help.

0333 050 8662.

We have clinics at Nuffield Health Chichester, Goring Hall Hospital Worthing and Nuffield Health Brighton