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Written by a carer
14th November 2020

Dr Bate has a very calm and authoritative manner which helps you to understand and accept the information that she is providing. She does not shy away from delivering difficult news and answering difficult questions honestly, but she does so in a kind way which must be a very difficult skill to master, especially when she will frequently be dealing with families under extreme stress, with heightened emotional responses. Her ability to communicate complicated medical points clearly, to those without her detailed level of knowledge is also extremely impressive. She was happy to answer follow up questions where those arose post consultation. I am grateful that we were referred under her care. The only constructive point I would raise is that it would have been positive to see more of her. We only saw her briefly a small handful of times on the ward itself and whilst she has been visible and helpful at key points eg diagnosis and then again at determination to continue treatment after initial cycles, it would have been beneficial to see her during the cycles as well, other than occasionally, and in passing. I don't feel that she has really got to know our daughter, or us as a family very well, and we often felt quite isolated during our time on the ward, which made the experience harder.
