
Written by a NHS patient at Southend Hospital
30th January 2021

I have absolutely the greatest respect for this wonderful Doctor / Consultant. I took my father to see him years ago and I’ve only just remembered that I should have left a review or something somewhere. His initial comments upon meeting my father will stay with me forever. My father was 89 at the time, and he said to him “you’re a fine specimen of a sprightly young man, what medications do you take?” My father replied “I don’t take any medications.” To which Doctor Gatt said “that’s probably why you’re so fine and healthy!” Lol. I’ve long been an advocate for holistic and natural therapies, however my father was conditioned to needing an expert. Although he was seldom ill in all his years, he had developed skin cancer in his late 80’s. So as soon as Doctor Gatt had said what he said about western medicine, I knew my father was going to be in safe hands with him. He obviously was, and he treated my father successfully. I love it when Doctors recognise that western medicine isn’t the bee all and end all of everything. I believe that occasionally we do need the assistance of western medicines. However I also believe that they are very aggressive on occasions and simpler remedies are available in herbal and holistic medicine.


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  • Dermatology