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Written by a patient at The Princess Grace Hospital
14th February 2018

Dr. Singh was respectful, thoughtful, articulate, and a great thought partner in discussing my diagnosis and treatment. It's important to have a two-way street in your relationship with your consultant, and I appreciate immensely that Dr. Singh saw our conversations as a partnership. He was informed, and explained his recommendations well. Thank you!

Written by a patient at The Royal Free Hospital
31st December 2017

I am exceptionally pleased to have Dr Singh as my consultant for lupus. He is very knowledgeable and also very kind. He, in common with the whole excellent Royal Free rheumatology team, have a policy of treating the patient rather than just the blood results which is especially valuable for lupus patients like me who don't always have clear markers. I first saw him when the disease was attacking my brain and nervous system. It was quite a frightening time because my brain was not functioning well enough for me to understand things fully or make decisions. Dr Singh very quickly seemed to completely understand not just the problem but also that my brain was not working well so he was very calm, gentle and clear (yet not at all patronising) with his diagnosis and treatment plan. He wrote down instructions and checked I understood and although I was a little shellshocked by the diagnosis the best word I can use to describe how I felt leaving the appointment is that I finally felt 'safe' and that I had someone on my side fighting against the disease. That feeling has stayed with me and given me an enormous sense of security and definitely helped me get better. I completely trust him and he has given me very good advice. I also was really impressed with how he handled it when I rapidly reduced the drugs against his advice (twice!) and became ill again. He remained very patient but was also was very firm and explained in detail the necessity for complying with the drug regime. I like to be fully informed of the pros and cons and he explains things very well and (very cleverly I think!) lets me have an opinion and a bit of negotiation. Although I have so much respect for him, he's helped make me better and he's always been right so far so I am just going to do what he advises and hopefully stay in remission! I would definitely recommend Dr Singh. He cares about his patients and doesn't treat us as a 'disease' but also as people.

Written by a patient at The Royal Free Hospital
14th December 2017

I would strongly recommend Dr Singh - I have been struggling with sever back pain for years and he was able to diagnose me after only two appointments. The medication he has prescribed has been life changing - I am now able to walk, sleep and work like a fit and healthy person. He takes time to listen, doesn't hurry you out of the door, and carefully considers all of the best options for you as an individual. Thank you Dr Singh!

Written by a patient at The Royal Free Hospital
30th October 2017

I have been under the care of Dr Singh since February 2017 when he diagnosed my RS3PE syndrome. He is always unfailingly courteous and understanding and I would recommend thoroughly him. I feel that he has a very patient-centred approach in that he encouraged me to look up on the internet any possible new treatments and took my opinions into account. After a consultation with him I always feel very positive and encouraged about the progress of my condition - a situation not always the case in encounters with the medical profession.

Written by a patient at The Royal Free Hospital
25th October 2017

I was referred to Dr Animesh Singh with a persisitent pain in my ankle that was hindering my ability to walk. I was very anxious as I have had 2 cancer diagnosis in the past and concerned that it was linked. I was seen on time and had a comprehensive examination and referred for a scan. I received the result of the scan quickly by Dr Singh. I felt comfortable during my examinations and had the opportunity to ask questions (to which I had a list) which were answered fully. Dr Singh had a student present and asked if I had any objection to her being present and for her to examine me. Although I was an observer, I liked the way he approached the student and asked appropriate questions and gave suggestions. The only suggestion I have on improving the care are smaller clinics and more doctors.


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Specialises in

  • Rheumatology
  • Acute Medicine
  • Internal (General) Medicine


I am a Consultant Rheumatologist and General (internal) Medicine Physician working at the Royal Free Hospital, The Princess Grace Hospital and The Physicians Clinic. I aim to offer holistic, evidence-based care to all my patients.

I am proficient in the management of patients with all types of rheumatological disorders with particular interest in rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis, polymyalgia, osteoporosis, gout and lupus.

In addition, I am heavily involved with acute and general medicine including the assessment and management of acutely sick patients as well as the investigation of complex undifferentiated symptoms.

Nearest Acute Medicine Specialist

Nearest Internal (General) medicine specialists