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Written by a patient at Meads Medical Centre
16th October 2020

I spoke to Dr Grimston today and I have to say it was so refreshing to speak to a doctor who understands nutrition and the importance of a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle in order to combat illness and give our bodies the chance to heal and repair naturally. I am not anti-medicine and I understand the important role it plays in people's lives but unfortunately it seems that too many doctors want to go to this as the first line of defence and I think that we are learning that in most cases this is wrong. We live in a world where food is plentiful but unfortunately a lot of that food is not healthy - despite how great it tastes! There is too much processed food available to us and the temptation to indulge is always there - I am guilty of this as much as the next person; maybe more so as I have been known to gorge on chocolate with abandon as soon as I taste the first morsel! But there comes a time in our lives when we have to realise that particular party is over and our bodies will not be as forgiving as they were when we were in our teens and twenties! But it's not easy to give up a beautiful bar of milk chocolate for a piece of broccoli - however it is necessary! But a lot of people can't do it and so many preventable illnesses come about specifically because of that! More people these days are beginning to understand that diet is the first line of defence and it is so encouraging to speak to a doctor, such as Dr Grimston, who doesn't glaze over when I talk about healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. She also understands what I am talking about when I discuss various foods and can even offer really good advice about how I can improve my health naturally and go further with my healthy lifestyle! It was an absolute pleasure to speak to her and she very quickly established herself as someone whose advice and opinions I could trust and whose aim was to ensure that I achieved my full health potential in the best and healthiest way possible. Hopefully this is the future for General Practitioners!

Written by a patient at Downlands Medical Centre
29th July 2020

Having been Mis-diagnosed and mis-treated for several months and becoming ever more unwell I was fortunate to be given an appointment with Dr. Alison Grimston. I was astonished to be greeted with genuine kindness and asked to explain how I was feeling. I was listened to first and then given an examination and my treatment was changed. I left with instructions to contact her should I need to. A couple of weeks later I truly luckily got to see Dr Alison again when she diagnosed a heart condition rather than the ‘chest infection’ that the other doctors had been insisting I had. She arranged for me to be taken immediately to hospital where Her diagnosis was confirmed. I now have a ‘state of the art’ pacemaker fitted and can honestly say I would not be writing this review if not for the outstanding care I received from this doctor. Furthermore, recently, my respiratory condition worsened again and my regular doctors were a lot less than helpful to put it politely. I called Dr Alison in sheer desperation and was offered a private appointment which I gratefully accepted. Once more I was listened to and diagnosed expertly and given medicine which has proved a turning point in my life once again. I owe an enormous amount to this extremely caring, compassionate and competent doctor and would have no hesitation in recommending her most highly. I have been asked to give constructive criticism to help give even greater care. It’s simply not required. No one can give more than their all.

Written by a patient at Meads Medical Centre
26th June 2020

I nearly cried! I really felt that Dr Grimston was hearing me. She was kind , gentle and understanding. It was so good to be heard and actions put in place. Thank you


You were kind, helpful and had clearly taken time to read my notes and understand me. Thank you

15th June 2020
Written by a patient at Meads Medical Centre
3rd June 2020

Dr Grimston took the time to listen and made her patients feel valued and respected, treats others as she would want to be treated. Dr Grimston is so skilled at what she does. She explained and adviced me with better options that help me get better and energetic. Many thanks.


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Specialises in

  • General Practice
  • Endocrinology
  • Family Planning and Reproductive health care


With 20 years' experience of general practice and a lifelong interest in women's health, endocrinology and complementary therapies, I focus on inspiring and empowering patients to take back control of their health and make informed decisions, using lifestyle and mindset to tranform their health experience and minimise the use of prescribed medications.
In my private practice and professional speaking I am particularly focused on helping individuals and organisations to deal with stress and hormone imbalances in a more pro-active way.

Nearest Family planning and reproductive health care specialists