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Written by a NHS patient
30th April 2022

Psych UK saved my life. I have been struggling since early childhood, I've felt 'wrong' and 'broken' and was often so confused on why I felt the way I felt, until I stumbled across the possibility of me having ADHD. I took it upon myself to get a referral to Psych UK to get assessed for this. And I was right, everything fit, and everything made sense and they were open and kind and understanding and listened to everything I had to say about my day to day life and the struggles I had with even getting out of bed. They diagnosed me with both hyperactive and inattentive ADHD, sub-type, and helped explain this to me so I understood. If I forgot what was mentioned or didn't understand a certain part of the 'next step', I felt I could ask without judgement. They got back to me within 2 days and helped put my mind at ease with any worries I had. The Dr's I worked with were lovely and had my best interests at heart, they helped find the perfect dose of the medication I chose to start and monitored me closely every 5 days for any side effects. I could not have been in safer hands. Psych UK listened to me when the GP did not, I was at my lowest and did not see a life worth living, but now I can work again. And I can go outside without panicking, I can talk to people and not interrupt so much and I can actually listen to what is being said to me without feeling like I'm all over the place. For the first time in my life, my thoughts are silent. I don't have that constant subconscious talking to me about every decision I go to make. I cried in relief after my first dose. It was scary at first because its all I knew, I wasn't used to such a silent mind, but then it was peaceful. I could sleep without racing thoughts, I could stay asleep and it has helped with me being less impulsive and with my binge eating also. I remember to drink water and eat when I'm hungry, instead of putting it off or simply forgetting. Truly life changing, I would not be here today if I wasn't listened to when I needed to be heard.
