

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
29th November 2017

Taz looked after me when I had my first baby 3 1/2 years ago and I have never forgotten her. She always reassured me, gave me great advice, and she’s very honest. I like someone who just tells you the facts. I then was lucky enough to come across her again recently when I went up to hospital for a VBAC appointment, I was so pleased to see her again and the info she gave me was again, clear, factual, and made it easy to make my decision. I liked that she emphasised how this appointment is all about me and that she is not there to sway me either way. This made me feel like I really had the choice to make an informed choice with my husband. Queens overall has been a wonderful experience with both pregnancies. I wouldn’t want to go anywhere else.

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
17th March 2017

Most compassionate and patient orientated. Taz goes the extra mile for everyone and makes everyone feel special and individual. She puts you at ease regarding difficult decisions and gives you all facts I'm an understandable manner to make an informed choice. Taz made this experience even more special!

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
25th October 2016

From our very first appointment Taz was extremely professional and empathetic. She took time to listen to my concerns as a first time Mum and was incredibly reassuring. She answered both my husband's and my questions and was not dismissive. She was able to appropriately balance 'real world' knowledge and experience alongside her professional understanding. Our follow up appointments followed the same pattern, and up to my discharge from the setvice I found Taz to be a wonderful practitioner and midwife, it was almost sad to be discharged from the service! Overall both my husband and I would say that Taz is an outstanding practitoner and any other patient would be extremly lucky to have her as their midwife. We can only say thank you to her for the care and support she has provided to us at this time.

Written by a member of staff at Queen's Hospital
24th October 2016

Taz is knowledgeable, helpful and always willing to support and help patients,colleagues and anyone needing help. Great fun to work with, trust worthy and dependable.

Written by a patient at Queen's Hospital
17th October 2016

I have received great care from Taz and her team during pregnancy and also after when I got home with my baby boy. Always understanding and full of compassion and also very approachable. I felt very comfortable sharing my concerns and worries with Taz and received great advice. She developed great rapport with me which made me feel as I was the only one she was looking after. I would have not imagine going through that experience without them. Feel very great full


Specialises in

  • Midwife


  • Adult Nurse, Level 1
  • Registered Midwife


Community Midwife team leader for Havering South (Rainham, Hornchurch, Elm Park)