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Written by a patient
15th February 2018

I fell over and was taken by ambulance to Whipps Cross Hospital Emergency. Checked in by the ambulance people and then taken to sit in a large reception area. I had badly damaged my forehead and nose which were bleeding but the ambulance man put a dressing on my forehead which stopped the bleeding but my nose was still dripping. I was eventually called in by a nurse who looked at my forehead and immediately said that it was too deeply cut to stick. Nurse Alison phoned someone and arranged for them to look at my forehead. She took me through to the section and sat me down and said that someone would come and find me. I waited a short while and was taken into another room where the doctor looked at my forehead and said that Alison was very experienced and was quite right and it would have to be stitched. I was not happy about having it stitched, being a coward, but Ammar said that he was from MaxFax section and that it would be OK. If I was really worried I could stay in and have a general anaesthetic to have it done but I thought it best to get it over. He gave me several injections and very carefully did the stitches. Everyone who has seen what he did have said how well it is done and he could not have explained what he was doing any better. The stitches have been removed and I think there will eventually be very little scaring. Nurse Alison came back for me and took me to the ENT section where the doc looked at my nose but said it was too swollen to do anything and I would have a phone call to come back to the hospital to look at it. I went back the following week and wast old I had 3 alternatives and was booked in to have my nose manouvered back into place under general anaesthetic the following Friday. However I decided that it would be better to wait a while and then arrange to have it done as a "nose job". I phoned the folowing morning to cancel the booking.However I then received a letter telling me where to go on Friday and phoned again to check the operation had been cancelled. Someone phoned me today to say I had to have another test but I told her that I had cancelled and she said she would check this had been put through. The over all treatment by the nurse and the Dr Ammar was terrific. My only criticisms are that whilst I was sitting waiting to be seen my nose was still bleeding and I was running out of tissues. I was rescued by another patients who very kindly went to the cloakroom and came back with some paper towels for me which was a great help. I was also at the hospital for approx 6 hours. The stitches took about 45 minutes and most of the rest of the time was just sitting and waiting to be seen.
