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Written by a family member
2nd July 2019

My Mother was taken to Whipps Cross Hospital, as there was a build-up of patients at the hospital, which she usually attends (North Middlesex Hospital). My Mother on arrival at Whipps Cross Hospital was initially booked in/assessed in the "PITSTOP 1" cubicle. A Somewhat unfortunate name, however as longs as the care you are receiving is Very Good this should not matter. From here my Mother was asked to sit in what I believe is termed the Emergency Assessment area. Another cubicle with 5 chairs, which became somewhat full to say the least. As my Mother has a long-standing heart condition, she was to have an ECG and blood tests. So, we waited in this area and nothing further happened. Therefore, I went to the desk where the nurses were situated and confirmed my Mother’s name etc and confirmed she was having further symptoms again regarding heaviness in the chest area and requested confirmation as to when the blood tests and the ECG would be done as we had been waiting for some time. In addition, I confirmed that a wrist arm band had not been put on my Mother for identification purposes etc. Only after this conversation did two nurses begin to hurriedly ask my Mother into another cubicle for the ECG and blood test to be done. After this My Mother was again asked to take a seat in the cubicle next door where she had originally been sitting, but still nothing was done regarding the identification armband. In view of this, I spoke with another Nurse and explained the situation and this Nurse confirmed my Mother should have an identification are band and she was going on her break but would see to it when she returned. I didn't see the Nurse again after this, but still no identification arm band was forthcoming. We then waited another 2.5 hours and I spoke with the Lady at the reception desk again and asked if the blood tests had come back. The Lady confirmed the blood tests were back and my Mother was the next patient to be seen by the Doctor. Again, we waited and waited and still nothing happened. I then approached the reception desk again and spoke with a Nurse and asked for confirmation as to what was happening in view of what we had been advised. This Nurse didn't really seem to be that interested and therefore, I asked to see the Matron. I was advised the Matron only works from 0900am to 5.00pm. Hence, I requested to speak with the person in charge, who I was advised would be the "Nurse in Charge" so I requested to speak with this Nurse. Eventually at 11.00am my Mother saw a Doctor who was very good, and we confirmed the situation as stated above and he apologised and confirmed they had been very busy. However, from what we had stated he confirmed he would raise these issues as RED Flags for the department. After having another blood test and seeing another Doctor, who was very good my Mother was discharged after 12.00am. Whilst, I understand A&E Departments and hospitals in general are busy at the best of times, I have to say I have never come across anything like this before. I would also add that while we were sitting waiting to be seen the original ambulance crew who brought my Mother to the hospital came in with another patient and they had to approach the reception desk in A&E and a Doctor to establish what was happening. So, from arriving in Whipps Cross Hospital at 6.45pm up to 11.00pm not one Nurse, Doctor, Healthcare Assistant approached my Mother, I had to do all the chasing up, otherwise we might still be there. Even the tea lady came in and wheeled her trolley halfway up the other side of the department and back down and out of the department (a cup of tea would have been nice). Also, to add insult to injury and having specifically asked to see the "Nurse in Charge" this individual still did not come and see me regarding my Mothers care. So, I can only assume wrongly or rightly they aren't interested or do not care. I have experienced care in a number of other hospitals, and it has always been very good, yes there may be the slight problems/issues, that arise but nothing like we experienced in Whipps Cross A&E Department
