
Victoria Hospital

Whinney Heys Road, Blackpool, England, FY3 8NR
69,658 reviews




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Written by a patient
29th April 2016

I have recieved great care from all staff & consultants

Review of Day Surgery written by a patient
27th April 2016

The nurses and help are very friendly! They were absolutely lovely. I was looked after well. However, contact with my mum could have been better. She didn't receive a call, when she was told she would and had to get in contact with the ward herself to find out what was happening with me.

Review of Accident and Emergency written by a patient
22nd April 2016

care was very good however waited 2.5 hours for doctor to see me despite being very quite with lots of empty cubicles

Review of Ward 25 written by a family member
20th April 2016

Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you so much for your care and kindness. I was treated well in each and every department apart from two people I had to deal with on daily bassis. I did manage to write their names down and I made sure I confirmed their names so other staff working in Ward 25 would not get any kind of negative feedback from me by mistake. I am keeping it short , Nursing assistant Jenny Mccan , whom came across very nice , friendly and caring at first but soon it all turned out to be fake. I witnessed on daily bassis whenever she was working in that area. She ignored patients, their needs and often sat on the chair with her back against them with her mobile phone in her hand. It happend frequently that she would leave that area unsupervised for longer periods of time and more often if a patient needed assistant she would leave promptly without helping the patient. I myself and another patient helped a patient next to us because he was left with a bowl of water to have a wash but Jenny never came back to him and when he kept shouting for help I went in and helped that man and rang his bell as well. I was extremely astonished and disgusted by her behaviour . Around meal times she seems to sit down and try to feed a patient who probably could help himself better but she would insist to help that patient with his food and instead of helping she would be looking on her phone whislt patient was waiting for a spoonful of food. There were so many things that were wrong with that girl, wrong attitude, very rude way to answer the patients when nobody else was around. The other person was Staff Nurse Kerry Bedford, very angry and negative person and she was swearing without realising that people can hear her. I heard her constantly complaining about all the staff , swearing at them behind their back, calling them lazy and useless. I didnt find any other staff lazy or useless apart from these two people who seemed to have too much time on their hand to talk about their out of work activities. I am not very educated person but I can tell the difference between those who care and who cant. Thanks for listening and thanks to the rest of the hard working and caring staff.

Review of Urology Daycase written by a patient
18th April 2016

I was sent a letter with two appointments for the same day, the first was a CT Scan at 11.00 am and requested that I attended at 10.30 am, the second was for a Cystoscopy in the Urology Dept., at 01.00 pm. My Wife and myself did as we were asked and arrived for the CT Scan at 10.30 am, only to be informed that the person who had sent out the appointment had done so without checking with the CT Scan Staff and that they could not do my scan on that day. To say we were annoyed would be an understatement, so we went to the Urology in the hope that they might be able to bring their appointment forward but of course they could not. I asked if I could change the dates for both treatments but none of the options available were any better than having my Cystoscopy done on the set date and coming back on another day for the CT Scan, so that is what I settled for. We had no option but to stay at the Hospital as it was a cold and windy day and we could not go back home as we live in St. Annes and it would not have been worth it, so we just sat around in the main entry. We went to the Urology Dept., just before 01.00 pm just in time to be told that they were running two hours behind and once again we were by this time very annoyed as we had no option except to wait. When I finally did get in for my cystoscopy, it seemed to me to have been a waste of time as they could not get the camera all the way down as far as they wanted, this was because I have an artificial urinary sphincter that I had fitted at Salford Royal Hospital. Both my GP and myself had mentioned to the Staff that I had this as there is a special way it has to be deactivated for something like this or in case I need to be catheterized but they did not take any notice and tried to push it through the cuff whilst it was still closed, which did cause me some discomfort. We finally arrived back at home at 04.00 pm after arriving at the Hospital for 10,30 am. My first experience of Hospitals was when I had my Radical Prostatectomy operation for Prostate Cancer at St. James' Hospital in Leeds, everything here went well before, during and for a long time after my operation and I can only say it was all excellent. My second experience was when I went to Royal Preston Hospital for radical radio-therapy a few years later and once again everything went well before, during and after and it was also excellent. My first experience with Blackpool Victoria Hospital was some years after that when the urologist there told me I needed a bladder-neck incision, which I duly had on his recommendation after which I was left totally incontinent, hence the need for the sphincter replacement. I was treated badly following this operation and was sent home late at night, also the District Nurses had not been informed and it was some days before they even came, my first follow-up appointment was several months in the future and my GP had to send several letters to the Hospital to get this appointment expedited. When I did get to see the Urologist all he could do was to refer me to Salford Royal Hospital to see if they could fit me with an artificial sphincter, which they did and once again everything went well before, during and after, the follow -up from my operation was also excellent, so I can only also describe this Hospital as excellent in my experience. I do not know why I seem to have such a problem with Blackpool Hospital but it appears that each time I have done, something has gone wrong, so I hope you can understand my unease with my treatment and also our anger.

Review of Accident and Emergency written by a family member
17th April 2016

The ambulance technicians, paramedic and Staff Nurse Maria were exceptional members of staff who treated my mum with dignity and respect and I have already and can only appraise them. However - my mum went for an x-ray which didn't take very long at all in fact feel that this was rushed considering my mum's condition i.e. COPD, on Oxygen when taken and extremely weak and vulnerable. The radiographer crashed and banged the bed back into the cubicle whilst my mum was clearly distressed, having a panic attack, not being able to breath properly trying desperately to get this across to the radiographer who was ignoring her! I intervened and tried to calm my mum and the radiographer said "patients normally feel like this" I couldn't believe it and shouted SN Maria who took control. Radiographer just walked off but obviously felt the need to then say to Maria "this lady is saying she has trouble breathing" but only after Maria was already there. Once mum was settled, she said she was sat bolt upright, quickly with no consideration, x-rayed and wheeled out so fast whilst in extreme discomfort. This is alarming considering she has a fracture in her spine which the HCA mentioned before she went for x-ray. I made a complaint to the sister in charge who said "they do, I will speak to them and get them to apologise" We were there another 2 hours and nothing happened. This happened at ~01.00hrs 17/04 and I want somebody to contact me with regards to this as this is absolutely disgraceful and completely unacceptable. Contact Jo Ashton 07966543018

Review of Ward 7 written by a patient
13th April 2016

Great care, good staff

Written by a patient
11th April 2016

Great Staff looked after well

Review of Accident and Emergency written by a patient
10th April 2016

Everything was fine. Staff were approachable and clarified the situation, explained their conclusions following analysis of all the data and clarified what caused the problem. I was very impressed with all staff at Blackpool Victoria Hospital's Accident and Emergency Department. Thank you very much. Keep up the good work!

Review of Accident and Emergency written by a patient
8th April 2016

i cant thank all the staff enough for the care they gave me whilst visiting bvh a&e. they treated me with great respect and ensured that I was given a full range of tests.

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