St George's Hospital

Blackshaw Road, London, England, SW17 0QT
119 reviews




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Written by a patient
6th November 2017

I have been to different departments at St. George’s Hospital over the last few months, had various tests and all staff have been excellent, so no issues there. Of course the only issues and is well documented is that waiting for appointments is too long, but once seen all tests conducted within a short period of time%

Written by a patient
23rd October 2017

I really cannot give a complete review of St Georges hospital as I was only in overnight. The staff were great the only complaint was the sandwich I had was terrible but having not eaten for 18 hours I ate it any way. A great thank you to all the staff.

Written by a patient
13th September 2017

Having received late diagnosis of a brain tumour, I was relegated to the neurosurgery dept. of this hospital which has been rated inadequate by the Quality Care Commission. I say relegated because my NHS GP refused me a referral several years prior so I had to go via A and E to get a referral that way. I found the consultant sexist and not a little xenophobic. I am British with a foreign accent and this appeared to concern him. On the very first consultation, my records were "doctored" to say I had been considered for, but refused surgery. This was not true and there followed a year long battle to get the fraudulent entry removed: to no avail. Recently, with the help of the Office of the Information Commissioner, I was able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt this entry was untrue, but the hospital still refused to delete it. For example, the hospital was unable to respond to a subject access request for the proposed treatment plan, records of the risks and/or benefits of surgery as they would have had to have been explained to me, etc. Meanwhile, I am unable to obtain the care I need because I keep having the allegation thrown back in my face that "you refused surgery". The situation is so ridiculous it's obscene - how can this be allowed to happen? Since I cannot trust the consultants, I obtained my own brain scan to try and ascertain how fast the tumour is growing. I needed the previous size from an old nhs scan to be able to compare. I wrote to the surgeon asking for the size and he wrote back and gave me the wrong size, claiming it was significantly smaller than it is. I could prove this because I obtained a copy of the old radiology report under the Data Protection Act. So after I busted him trying to downplay the size, literally within days, I get told a related hospital appointment (for suspected brain fluid leak) has suddenly and coincidentally and inexplicably been put over 6 months.

Written by a patient
23rd July 2017

Last December I was admitted for a week for neurosurgery following a sub arachnoid bleed. My medical treatment and surgery were excellent however I am sad to say the ward care was inconsistent with both excellent and shocking care. When I was admitted from Darent Valley Hospital, the ward was extremely noisy with late visitors who the nurses seemed incapable of removing although it was long past visiting time. I was in great pain and very thirsty but not given analgesia or fluids until my partner eventually managed to get the attention of a doctor. I was given a CT scan which would indicate if my surgery would happen that night or the following morning. I had been nil by mouth all day and was assured that if the surgery was to happen the next day I would be given something to eat. Upon return to the ward late that evening I was told that there was no food available so I went hungry. The next morning I had a full bladder but was not allowed to use a bottle to relieve myself as the porters had arrived to take me to theatre and they refused to wait. After my surgery the nurses looking after me on the ITU were very professional but other nurses on ITU insisted upon shouting to each other across the Unit. The lights were too bright and the Unit was too noisy which I found exhausting. This environment surprised me as it is a neuro ITU with patients who are photo and noise sensitive. The nurses looking after me did their best by lowering my lights and drawing curtains. After a couple of days I was moved to McKissock ward where I met some lovely staff. Unfortunately I also witnessed some very unprofessional behaviour. One example happened while I was in a 6 bedded bay with other gentlemen all of whom had suffered strokes or other neurological impairments. I witnessed the domestic/HCA shouting at the gentleman 2 beds up to choose which cereal he wanted for breakfast. This woman was getting increasingly frustrated with him for not deciding, yet completely unable to see this patient was unable to articulate anything and was also getting frustrated. This situation was not going to resolve itself so I helped by leaving my bed, picking up the cereals and asking him if he was able to point to the one he would like. He chose cornflakes. I then suggested to the domestic/HCA that shouting was not going to achieve anything as this was a neuro ward with compromised patients and that talking calmly, slowly and clearly would be more effective. She also refused to serve breakfast to the bed bound gentleman opposite saying he couldn't have breakfast as he had some books and a newspaper on his table which were in her way. He replied he was bed bound and unable to move them and she indicated that he would therefore not get any breakfast. I quickly and easily tidied up his table and served him breakfast too. Both gentlemen were grateful and offered their thanks to me. This same healthcare worker took my order of a sandwich for lunch but come lunchtime did not offer either the sandwich or an explanation. I did not get any lunch that day. I suggest that maybe a nurse needs to be present to oversee mealtimes. There were also other incidents including the manner of my discharge from the ward home. The medical staff agreed I could be discharged but the nurse in charge would not co-operate and I needed the constant intervention of Helen Wood to facilitate this discharge. Both my partner and I are Band 7 health care professionals and we requested to speak with the Ward Manager on several occasions to raise our concerns but despite being on the ward for almost a week she refused to see/speak or otherwise communicate with us. The message we received was that she was too busy. I am pleased to report that my experience was not all bad and that I do remember a couple of fantastic caring nurses/HCA's on the ward but sadly they were overshadowed by their less than professional colleagues. Due to the nature of my brain injury I struggle to remember names but startling and shocking events stick in my mind. I am proud and privileged to work in the NHS but I am deeply disturbed by events I have witnessed on these wards.

Written by a patient
9th June 2017

I came to theatre for Foraminotomy . After anaesthesia anaesthetist realised that I had some cardiac problems. He made a great decision and his diagnosis was correct. Now I'm under cardiology treatment and my symptoms Improved. I take this opportunity to thank all the Theatre staff and recovery staff neurosurgeons and cardiology team who treated me on 23rd December 2016. We cannot forget that day . Once again Thank you for the wonderful team .

Written by a patient
31st March 2017

Having undergone a microdiscetomy under the guidance of Mathew Crocker and his Neurosurgery team I can't fault them for their manner, enthusiasm and skill levels. All of my contact with the various people I dealt with from admin, operating to nursing staff was excellent and I was dealt with courtesy and often with a sense of humour that I found very reassuring. More importantly my recovery has been very straightforward and my problem symptoms have largely gone away. Many thanks!

Written by a patient
14th March 2017

I had a triple heart bypass Mr Momin was the Surgeon who performed the operation,the surgery was a total success Mr Momin the Nurses and all the staff were incredible so kind and compassionate.Although I was very anxious about the operation I would say I would really recommend St. George's Hospital and Surgeon to anybody.

Written by a patient
2nd February 2017

I am astounded by the quality of care that I have received from St Georges. Literally faultless: from the initial meeting with Mr Crocker, who inspired complete confidence and gave me an unworried Christmas, to the pre-op nurse, the anaesthetist whom I trusted, the surgeon, Eleni Maratos whose gentle honesty and skill could not have been bettered, the HDU staff who were always there, so much attention, and all of the kind staff on Brodie, who were always ready to spend time to help and chat. Food was fresh and good (but perhaps avoid the fish and chips!) My husband was also made welcome and feels the same about our experience. I know this sounds a bit OTT, but I really mean it. I can't thank you enough. Margaret.

Written by a carer
2nd February 2017

The medical staff provide excellent services to patient in all aspect.

Written by a patient
4th January 2017

Totally wonderful treatment throughout my time spent here. All staff were amazing, caring and so professional. I feel very lucky to have been sent to this hospital.

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