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12th August 2021

I have to agree with a previous review that states the management gaslight the patients if they make a complaint… this is literally a pointless exercise because they really do not care. They will actually laugh in your face if you point out that they are there to provide a service to the patients! The policies in place are not to improve patient experience at all, it’s almost as if they sat around the table and asked themselves how they could make using their service as stressful as possible. Reception staff are unskilled, rude and sarcastic and are fully supported in this approach. The reception and management team need a complete overhaul as it’s them letting the practice down, most of the clinicians are really caring and patient oriented although, most do lack any awareness of safeguarding including at least one senior partners who had a blank expression when this was raised during a consultation with a vulnerable patient.

Suggested improvements
Formal review of reception staff and performance capability is essential preferably using an external provider as this is clearly beyond the capability of the management team. Safeguarding trauma awareness training for all staff, this is especially important for the reception staff who regularly traumatize patients during routine conversations, there is simply no excuse for this! Review policy and procedures in light of the reason that your service exists - seeking support from surgeries that are successful A better approach to patient complaints, if people are having to resort to the internet because Ruiz are gaslighting them at every opportunity, something is seriously wrong.
